• 17/09/2022
  • By binternet

Activities of Pnin-HCI3N- Ins activities in Diffa N’Glaa: to raise awareness among the actors for a strong mobilization in favor of food self-sufficiency in Niger<

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The problem of nutrition was throughout this decade at the center of concerns, both in terms of global and at the levels of the countries, particularly those of the Sahel.Indeed, the three major world crises (food, financial and oil), from 2007 to 2008, heavily impacted the food and nutrition of the populations.This situation has become more aware and contributed to a strong mobilization in favor of nutrition.Thus was born in 2010, the “Scaling Up Nutrition” movement (Sun), a world movement in favor of strengthening nutrition and after OMD-2015, saw the adoption of sustainable development (SDD) whichThe second, (ODD2) is dedicated to nutrition.

Thus, a new generation of policies, strategies and nutrition action plans, multisectoral, has seen the day and whose major characteristics are the desire to mobilize all the sectors and actors necessary for the fight against malnutrition;multisectoral coordination;The consistency of interventions as well as the integration of nutrition in all development programs and strengthening the institutional environment and partnership.In order to guide, not only, the multisectoral coordination of food and nutritional security, advocacy for the mobilization of resources, but also to help in making decisions, Niger joined the initiative of national information platforms forNutrition (PNIN), implemented by the National Institute of Statistics, under the strategic piloting of the High Commission for the initiative '' The Nigeriens nourish the Nigeriens '' (HCI3N).It is in this context that during the celebration of the national holiday of December 18, 2021 or Diffa N'Glaa only the PNIN, in collaboration with the HC3N and the Ins organized, from December 15 to 17In Diffa, a series of activities (seminar, conference, donation of documents, exhibitions of local food products, etc..), in order to raise awareness of all the actors, with a view to a strong mobilization in favor of nutrition.

The seminar organized from December 15 to 17 is placed under the general theme: ‘‘ The 3N initiative as a policy and strategy for transforming food systems in Niger: what reforms driven since 2011 and what prospects 2021-2025 ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’.Other sub-themes are also developed, including those relating to ‘La Pnin, as information and decision-making tools’ ’;‘‘ Evolution of poverty in Niger from 2014 to 2018 in rural areas ’’, ‘’ main conclusions of the last report on poverty analysis ’’;‘‘ Nutritional surveys in Niger, analysis of trends in the Diffa region, from 2010 to 2021 ’’;‘‘ The levers to activate for the transformation of healthy food systems, sustainable and sensitive to nutrition in the context of Niger ’’;'L (Operationalization of commitments from Niger in matters of Sandad- pai3n, PNSN_Monitoring and account surrender mechanism (RAC)' ';' 'Land governance and modernization of the rural world' ',' 'Urgence-Development linkand peace- support for partners in the case of DIFA ''.

This seminar is particularly interested in the University of Diffa, in the media, in national and international NGOs involved in Diffa, the agencies of the United Nations System, the regional executives of the key sectors and the Regional Directorate INS of Diffa and moreoverall to all the actors concerned by the question of nutrition.The sub-theme: '' 3N initiative for food and nutritional security: Fragile-in-law challenges and perspectives, led by Dr AboubacarMahamadou, Coordinator of the Nutrition cell in HCI3N, held at the December 18 of Diffa, DrainedDozens of people interested in the problem of food and nutritional security in Niger.

In his introductory word audit seminar, the High Commissioner for the 3N initiative,M.AliBety, recalled the objectives assigned to his institution, namely those to arouse a large mobilization of all the Nigeriens around agricultural production and this for the dignity and honor of Niger."Good land is everywhere, valid arms too, water is accessible to reasonable depths, and sometimes very low depths and this in a very large parts of the territory.There are therefore frankly no reasons that the Nigeriens need to beg their food, "saidMr..Bety.Through, the 3N initiative, he continued, it is a question of bringing the Nigeriens to mobilize so that everyone works, with the support of the State, to produce their food, to produce foodVillages, cities, which do not produce, but also produce the surpluses that we will transform within the framework of the food industries.M. AliBety a ensuite décliné lesprincipaux axes stratégiques du HCI3N, qui s’articulent autour de l’accroissement et la diversification des productions; l’approvisionnement régulier des marchés ; l’amélioration de la résilience des populations ; l’amélioration de l’état nutritionnel et l’animation et coordination de l’Initiative 3N.

Séries d’activités du PNIN-HCI3N- INS à Diffa N’Glaa : Sensibiliser les acteurs pour une forte mobilisation en faveur de l’autosuffisance alimentaire au Niger

For his part, the rector of the University of Diffa, pr. AliMahamanea indiqué que, le thème retenu pour ce panel trouve tout son intérêt et sa signification dans la région de Diffa, bassin du Lac Tchad, correspondant à un contexte de fragilité, déterminé par les conséquences du changement climatique et de l’insécurité."To meet executive needs in the field, the University of Diffa has defined training offers and research axes," he said.The rector of the University of Diffa added that in terms of training, his establishment is made up of a faculty of agronomic sciences and a higher institute in the environment and ecology.Pr. AliMahamane a, enfin, souligné qu’une ‘‘collaboration entre l’Université de Diffa, le HC3N et l’Institut National de la statistique est nécessaire, pour l’aboutissement d’une bonne politique d’auto-suffisance alimentaire au Niger’’.Other animated subjects, on December 16 and 17, by eminent panelists are focused on poverty analysis;The evolution of malnutrition in Niger from 2011 to 2021;The National Nutrition Information Platform (PNIN) and food systems in Niger.

Food products in the spotlight through a fair

Still on the sidelines of the festivities of the 63rd anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic, the PNIN, the HI3N and the INS, actively took part in the National Fair, organized by the Organization Committee of Diffa N'Glaa, where variouslocal products were exhibited.Several stands have been drawn up, welcoming many visitors every day. Selon le vice-président de la Commission Foire,M. Yacouba NomaMahamadou, au total 125 stands sont installés par la commission, certains stands ont été mis en place par le Haut-commissariat à l’initiative 3N, pour la promotion des produits agricoles.

Note that during this fair many stands are stamped '' HC3N '' (High Commission for the initiative '' The Nigeriens nourish the Nigeriens ''), indicating that the exhibitors of said stands have benefited from support (training, materials) and support for this institution.Many visitors dwelled in front of these stands and asked many questions to better soak up supporters and leading i3n.Several actions carried out by this institution have been presented, at the said fair.They relate to the training of transformators (548 young beneficiaries), the certification of their products, the granting of local products transformation machines, motorcycle, drilling, but also funding up to 361.000.000 FCFA of several projects in Diffa.It was also announced the construction, very soon, of a packaging manufacturing plant by the HCI3N.All this to promote the production, processing and consumption of local products, so that Nigeriens feed the Nigerians.

In addition, Kakemonos declining the missions and objectives of the National Information Platform for Nutrition (PNIN), dotted, everywhere, have adorned the axes of the craft village, which hosts this fair.We can notably discover that the general objective of the national information platform for nutrition in Niger (PNIN) is to contribute to the reduction of chronic undernourishment in order to reach the targets by 2025.In this sense, it primarily aims to strengthen data analysis capacities to assess progress, inform policies and improve nutrition programs.Specifically, the PNIN aims to strengthen the analysis and interpretation of nutrition indicators, their evolution at the national and subnational level - according to the availability of data as well as the factors known to influence these indicators, that it'act of investments, policies and/or programs and this in a multisectoral approach.It also aims to increase national capacities in order to be able to follow the evolution of nutritional indicators and generate evidence to understand the progress made towards the achievement of the objectives and targets set in nutrition.

Note that the PNIN program is based on three iterative cycles and self -use. Tout d’abord, il y a un cycle de production de l’information coordonné par l’Institut National de la Statique en synergie avec les directions de la statistique et les directions des études et de la programmation de six (6)Ministères clés (Agriculture et Elevage, Santé, Education, Hydraulique/Assainissement et Environnement).This production cycle will bring together, organize, analyze and disseminate multisectoral statistical data on nutrition in Niger, we learn.

The Pnin-Hi3n-ins Consortium makes an important donation of documents to the University of Diffa

These are thousands of documents relating to food in general and nutrition, in particular that the University of Diffa has just received from the Pnin-Hi3n-. Réceptionnant cet appui documentaire, le Recteur de l’Université de Diffa,Pr. AliMahamane a, au nom de la communauté universitaire remercié la PNIN, le HCI3N et l’INS, pour cet appui en livres, portant sur des thèmes aussi importants que diversifiés et des porte-documents."This gift comes to do time because, in the normal course of lessons, teachers give bibliographic references to consult to their students, in order to further improve their training and their knowledge.It is also a support, for research for the benefit of university teachers, both in the preparation of their courses and in the preparation of research protocols and in the writing of scientific articles.These documents will therefore allow capacity building, an improvement in scientific knowledge, "said the rector.

Pr. AliMahamane d’ajouter que l’Université de Diffa a une nouvelle bibliothèque qui a besoin d’être documentée et renforcée, par une documentation physique et électronique.This is why, he therefore took the opportunity to launch a call to other structures to follow the example of the Pnin-HCI3N- Consortium-. «Au nom de la communauté universitaire de Diffa, je puis vous assurer que bon usage sera fait de cette donation par tous les acteurs de notre Université», a concluPr. AliMahamane.As for the dean of the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of the University of Diffa, Dr Abdou Laouali, he recognized that studies cannot advance without documentation, hence the importance, according to him, of this gift."From always, teachers try to give students after the courses to students, if these documents are not within their reach, then this considerably hinders their learning and their studies.This support is a big step as part of our research and our university courses, ”says Dr Laouali.

Addressing in the same direction, the student in the 3rd year of environmental impact studies and SG of the Union of Nigerian Students at the University of Diffa (Uenuda), Garba BreedSanoussi, declares that, this support for documents offeredby the Pnin, the HI3N and the INS is a real breath of oxygen for the students of this establishment."Here we are suffocated and asphyxiated by a garish lack of documents within the framework of our studies.No one can ignore the importance of documentation for higher education.This donation will therefore help and strengthen students as part of their academic training.On behalf of all the students of this university, we thank infinitely, the PNIN, the HI3N and the. Nous sommes disposés à entretenir une bonne collaboration avec ces bienfaisants partenaires, qui nous ont d’ailleurs toujours soutenus et accompagnés», se réjouit le représentant des étudiants,M.Sanoussi.

Thus, the PNIN, the HC3N and the Ins have positively illustrated on the sidelines of the Festivities of Diffa N'Glaa, to better popularize local productions, to raise awareness and inform participants who are the local authorities present in Diffa, the customary chiefs,Regional executives of the rural development sectors, researchers from the University of Diffa, students, managers and staff of the United Nations system, NGOs and other associations represented in Diffa on the challenges of nutritional security in NigerBased on the proposed themes.More specifically it is a question of showing the importance of dialogue and coordinated actions between actors to improve nutrition;Recall the importance of creating and maintaining an environment favorable to nutrition through better use of nutritional information and show how each intervention sector can improve nutrition by emphasizing environmental issues.

Mahamadou Diallo (ONEP) (Special Envoy)