• 13/12/2022
  • By binternet

"PEE Parties": the pee festivals win England<

We knew the penchant of the English for the "tea parts", less that for the "pee parts".In literal translation, these "pee festivals" are a phenomenon that is becoming more and more disclosed within the British female youth.According to Metro UK, practice is not festive, it would rather be the order of psychological support.The principle: young women find themselves, each time more numerous, on forums to discuss the practice of the pregnancy test.More specifically, each one shares her impressions on this delicate moment when the woman must urinate on the stick in order to know if she is pregnant or not.Incongruous?A little, especially when we observe the two types of participants who engage "in the game".On the one hand, young girls on an average of 14 years, for whom Pee Party looks like a kind of outlet when they do not want to mention their family situation.On the other, young women who do not dare to speak of their desire as a child on a daily basis but do it on the forum."We share the enthusiasm of girls who get a positive result and the pain of those who always have negatives," explains a surfer.On the forums, they seem to find attentive ears and the advice of people already passed by there."They discuss the date of the test, and then come back to post the result," says Rebecca Michals, one of the Babycenter officials, a site dedicated to pregnancy and babies and one of the first to have the trend.If the practice may seem disturbing, given the young people who are given to themselves, the success of the phenomenon is based, for all, on a specific condition: anonymity.

Read also: 50% of English women are ready to hide their pregnancy at work

« Pee parties » : les fêtes du pipi gagnent l’Angleterre