• 16/08/2022
  • By binternet

Pau: how i-up creates, manufactures and markets bedding "Made in Sud-Ouest"<

"I worked twenty years in bedding, and I know almost all industrialists in France, Belgium or Spain.I wondered where we could go to the region to look for each material, and we reached 70 % of local products.»Jean-François Noyer and his small team made up of relatives, families and friends, launched this fall 2021 the I-Sleep brand, which offers mattresses, sleepmen, pillows and other beds, only by mail-making via its site.

Moutet fabrics

On the raw materials side, therefore, metal and wood come from Haute-Garonne, while the fabrics of the Moutet Orthézian producer are cut in Puyoô.The assembly is carried out in Lons, at Alefpa Ateliers 64, the largest adapted company in the department (read also)."It's been a year and a half that we are working together to set up the project, with the desire to create a national business.In this sector, apart from a few major brands, everything is made very far, in Asia, "said the entrepreneur.

"Only foams come from Portugal, we have no choice because there are none in France.But it is a reasoned material, the fibers come from recycling, and all the assembly is done here.Compared to products that arrive by containers and have crossed the oceans, our carbon footprint is quite ridiculous.»»

Ingénieur salarié, puis développeur produit indépendant pendant une dizaine d’années, le néoentrepreneur a misé sur l’éthique mais aussi sur la technique, puisqu’il a planché sur la composition des matelas jusqu’à déposer un brevet, pour le produit Universens utilisant des « matières intelligentes»»."These are not connected objects at all!" He alerts.No, our range of autonomous mattresses will adapt its contact hardness to your morphology.That is, it will harden more or less depending on the pressure that your body will exert.»»

Intelligent materials

Pau : comment i-Sleep crée, fabrique et commercialise de la literie « made in Sud-Ouest »

La gamme de quatre matelas et un surmatelas se veut « le moteur de notre marque»» tout en restant, assure le dirigeant, dans une gamme de prix « au cœur du marché»» (comptez de 600 euros à plus de 1 000 euros en fonction de la taille du couchage)."If an innovation is not accessible, it is no longer an innovation but a privilege.»»

The social spirit and the local vocation do not prevent the ambition: "The annual turnover of the bedding market is estimated at 300 million euros in France.We launched production and marketing only on the Internet. Même si on ne prend que 0,5 % du marché, cela permettra de largement faire vivre la petite entreprise»», espère-t-il.

No live sales force, and no storage either: “We produce with stretched flows, without overproduction.The command triggers manufacturing.We will therefore have no products that stay months in warehouses.»»

And if the request were to panic, workshops 64 would be able to follow: "We are attached to a consortium," explains the director, Jacob Helynck on the spot.We can relieve regional companies.We participated in the prototyping, we estimated the production times.Today, we are able to make 2,000 pillows per month, 500 heads.We can be ambitious, we will not subcontract.Here people get involved, want to participate.It’s very rewarding for everyone.»»

The I-Sleep adventure was delayed by six months by the COVVI, and did not benefit from any aid from the community or other organizations.The 120,000 euros of initial investment come from the founders and a fundraising in crowdfunding having reached 54,000 euros. « Et le Crédit Agricole a cru en nous, avec un prêt de 45 000 euros»», souligne encore Jean-François Noyer.

6 suitable jobs

Alefpa Ateliers 64 est la plus grande entreprise adaptée du département avec une quarantaine de salariés en situation de handicap. L’État compense à hauteur de 30 % leur moindre productivité, réelle ou supposée. Elle est spécialisée en mécanique (Dassault, Turbomeca font partie de ses clients) et en couture (elle a notamment travaillé pour Lacoste). L’entreprise a quitté son hangar à Billère (près du parc du château) pour s’installer sur la zone d’activité de Lons dans des locaux de 2 500 m², quatre travées achetées en 2020. Le projet i-Sleep a déjà permis trois embauches sur des emplois à plein temps en couture, un chiffre qui pourrait doubler à terme.