• 20/09/2022
  • By binternet

Indian varying video: flaws in sanitary control at Roissy airport<

130 people for 150 places available were selected on Friday April 30.Among them, 94 Indians.India where the epidemic is out of control.Behind the fences, we distinguish men sometimes without masks, who discuss a few centimeters from each other.Inside, no distance to the table.The toilets are common, there are no individual rooms.

A member of the medical team, testifies: “From March, I started to have a positive case every two days.There is a very high probability that some Indians have been positive.And as they refused the tests ... What do you want me to tell you?Among them, there is bound to be a percentage which is at risk of being positive.I found myself in front of a patient who was coughing and who did not want to go to the hospital.""""

Impossible to know who is sick or not, the majority of foreigners refuse to be tested.It is a right.A negative test would be a green light for a return flight to the country.

People in illegal transit can be kept for 20 days maximum in Zapi.

In the annex to the Bobigny court, which adjoins the area, a liberty and detention judge must decide on their fate.Me. Sonia Boundaoui, avocate au barreau de Seine-Saint-Denis, commise d’office ce jour-là, nous affirme que des personnes sont effectivement libérées, sans aucune précaution sanitaire : """"Oui, je vous confirme que des gens sortent de zone d’attente, potentiellement malades, parce que le process prévu par le médecin de la zone d'attente serait que ces personnes soient mises à l'isolement dans un hôtel à proximité ou dans une chambre d'isolement au sein de la ZAPI.But obviously, we tinker a little and delicately, discreetly, we will let them go out in this parking lot without difficulties.""""

That evening, two Indians are released.Failing to have been assisted in their efforts by associations.Nothing forces them to respect any quarantine, they can go where they want.

This weekend, the authorities installed a temporary annex in terminal 2A of the airport: 80 camp beds but no shower.For their toilet, the Indians will therefore continue to go back and forth in the Zapi.

Solicited, the Ministry of the Interior did not wish to grant us interview.

Among our sources:

Protocol of protective measures in the face of the spread of new variants of SARS-COV-2

Anafé - National Association of Borders Assistance for Foreigners, present in the AZPI of Roissy

Non -exhaustive list.