Décédé à l’âge de 73 ans, Thierry Mugler compte parmi les créateurs et grands couturiers qui ont su réinventer la mode, le concept même de défilé, et libérer les femmes de certains carcans. Cet artiste polyvalent a également imaginé et créé des pièces et produits, rapidement devenus des icônes, voire des incontournables, de la mode, et de la beauté… à commencer par le célébrissime parfum «Angel».
It is one of those scents that we love or hate, in other words who do not leave anyone indifferent.Housed in an iconic star -shaped bottle, "Angel" is the very first perfume of Thierry Mugler, launched in 1992 just 30 years ago.As in the fashion world, where its futuristic looks appeal to the largest planetary stars, Thierry Mugler puts his vangerism in the service of perfumery by offering the very first gourmet fragrance, a real olfactory surprise, being characterized not byFlower scents, as we were used to, but by notes of praline and patchouli.A star was born, tearing himself away like hotcakes around the world, crossing the decades, and competing with the greatest successes of perfumery in the image of Chanel and I love Dior.
If Thierry Mugler has never stopped innovating, chaining from year to year the dresses all more extravagant than the other - and having, by the way, resort to the upcycling long before the process became fashionable, one dress in particular stands out for its extraordinary character, but also by meticulous work required by its design.Presented by an Adriana Karembeu completely transformed during the Haute Couture Fall-Winter 1997-1998 parade, the "chimera" dress takes the form of a spectacular sheath decorated with scales in particular embroidered with crystals and feathers, transforming that which carries it intoA fantastic and fantasized animal.Flagship piece of the exhibition presented as a first at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MBAM) "Thierry Mugler: Couturissime", the haute couture dress is today considered one of the most expensive in the world.
Scrutinized by the whole planet, Kim Kardashian's looks are the subject of criticism as well as praise, often doing excess.No wonder if we consider that Thierry Mugler was one of the favorite creators of the reality TV star who became a businesswoman.But if there is a dress that has caused a lot of ink to flow, it is that carried by the fashion icon during the Met Gala in 2019: a wet effect dress created by Thierry Mugler himself.Chosen for the theme "Camp: Notes on Fashion", the dress was perceived as a masterpiece of creativity and know-how, sublimely highlighting the forms of Kim Kardashian.Only downside, the help of several assistants had been necessary to allow the star to put on the corset, knowing that the dress herself prevented him from moving as he pleases throughout the evening.Art in all its splendor!
"I am deeply saddened by the unexpected death of Manfred Thierry Mugler - a creator with an overflowing imagination that I had the privilege of rubbing shoulders, who had given us his confidence and his generosity to design the first exhibition to him be entirely devoted. The world of fashion loses an artist prodigy with multiple talents, who marked the history of ready-to-wear, haute couture and perfumery by his fantasy and his avant-garde ”, underlinerry-maxime Loriot, commissioner From the exhibitionthierry Mugler: Couturissime. “To Mugler, a great creator of our time, female fashion had to evoke power, strength and audacity. He saw a warrior in all women and worked with remarkable creativity, conviction and courage. His creations are real works of art and we will miss a lot. We express our deepest sympathy to his family and to people who rubbed shoulders with him. », Expressmary-Dailey Desmarais, chief curator of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
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