• 03/05/2022
  • By binternet

Story of an outfit: Barbra Streisand's transparent dress for her first Oscar<

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For her first Oscar nomination, actress Barbra Streisand had everything planned… except perhaps an outfit accident. The story of a dress that's a little too transparent.

By Elisa Casson

There's something exciting about first times. Whatever the age, sex or even the reason, these leaps into the unknown mark us forever. As soon as it is done, the first time is no more. Ephemeral but unforgettable moments of life that push us to display the best version of ourselves. A feeling that many actors and actresses know when they get their first Oscar nomination. After having lived for several weeks (or even months) of filming a character, the actors inevitably have in a corner of their head the ceremony of the Oscars. If some admit without problem that they are not interested in this award ceremony, the statuette made of solid bronze plated with 24 carat gold remains an object of desire for many. This was particularly the case for Barbra Streisand. After starting a successful musical career, the artist revealed herself for the first time as an actress in the film adaptation of the musical "Funny Girl" by William Wyler in 1968. This fictionalized biography of the American actress Fanny Brice will take her to the Oscars red carpet the following year. A first for the interpreter of “Woman in Love” who wanted to mark the occasion for the occasion.

And there was light !

Nominated in the "best actress" category, Barbra Streisand arrived at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles wearing a sequined pantsuit designed by Arnold Scaasi. A few hours before, in her hotel room, she had chosen to abandon her first outfit. A “charming” but too “traditional” dress according to the actress. For her first nomination, Barbra Streisand wanted to do it big. When the hour of the verdict arrives, the young woman aged 27 at the time absolutely does not expect to go on stage. And for good reason, it is the name of Katherine Hepburn which is announced first. A few seconds later comes that of Barbra Streisand, winner ex-aequo. "I first heard Katherine's name, I was like 'ok, cool, she looks great in this movie' and then they said my name. I was distraught. (…) I discreetly removed my chewing gum from my mouth to hide it under my chair, and I started to walk to join the stage”, she explained during an interview with the Variety magazine. But before arriving at the famous desk, place of all the speeches, Barbra Streisand had the right to her second surprise. The light beams installed in the room made her outfit completely transparent. Behind, the actress was almost naked. “I had no idea that when the lights hit this outfit it would turn transparent! All I wanted was a white collar and cuffs, which she had. I remember thinking that maybe I was going to have the chance to win two Oscars during my career, so I will opt for a more classic style next time, "she said. years later to "W Magazine". If in 1969, the comments were not very complimentary about this accidental dress, today many celebrities opt for dresses with subtle games of transparency, always with more or less taste.

Barbra Streisand and her first Oscar

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A sequined trouser suit

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Barbra Streisand during her Oscar speech

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Peter pan collar and white sleeves

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Barbra Streisand's see-through dress

© Ron Galella/Getty Images

Barbra Streisand crowned best actress in 1969

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Histoire d’une tenue : la robe transparente de Barbra Streisand pour son premier Oscar