• 15/02/2022
  • By binternet

Men's fashion special: Zegna, the suit from A to Z<

Since 1968, the Zegna family has been reinventing the suit in Trivero, Italy. History of a brand that has become a benchmark for made in Italy.

By Fabrice LéonardPosted onLink copiedCopy link

If Ermenegildo Zegna has become the leader in high-end men's clothing, it is thanks to its entirely vertical production structure, mastering all stages, from spinning to confection. The company, family since its creation in 1910, is one of the last brands to imagine and produce, in the heart of its factory of Trivero, in the region of Biella, in Italy, fabrics from raw materials of excellence. (wool, merino, cashmere, vicuña, etc.) from Australia, Peru, South Africa and even Mongolia. A particularity which means that, from the start of its activity, the manufacture becomes a reference for tailors all over the world who order their refined fabrics from it.

Another peculiarity, Zegna does not hesitate to produce its own...

SP (x6) – Andrea Pisapia/spazioorti14.it

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