Dans le cadre des Rencontres « Made in Viande », Astrid Granger, agricultrice du côté de Balleroy-sur-Drôme (Calvados) a accueilli 22 élèves pour leur faire découvrir son métier.
The "made in meat" meetings are visits, discoveries, exchanges with men and women in the breeding and meat sector that open their doors everywhere in France to share their trades, their daily life and their values.
Vendredi 27 mai 2021, Astrid a accueilli les 22 petits écoliers de Moyenne Section de l’école de Colombelles. Ils ont découvert les moutons et agneaux. « Ils sont élevés pour la viande, pour faire du fromage et aussi récupérer de la laine pour faire des vêtements ».
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At Astrid, her chaptel of Charolais is removed very young horns so as not to hurt people, but also not to injure each other.Babies stay with their mother for 9 months.
The children were intrigued by the two ears rings "one represents the number of the breeding and the other the work number of each animal", replied the farmer.What joy, when they saw the pony and its foal.
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There, no worries to cuddle.They also apprehended everyone's food and cereals.Then visit pigs, chicken coop with hens and rabbits before discovering the equipment and all the tractors.
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