• 06/08/2022
  • By binternet

Pollution: the pulmonologist Michel Aubier in front of his lies<

Fifty thousand to sixty thousand euros per year: this is what has confessed to having touched Total oil tanker, since the late 1990s, pulmonologist MichelSore, head of service at Bichat Hospital, in Paris.The doctor was heard in camera, Thursday, March 17 in the morning, by the Senate commission of inquiry in the cost of air pollution, in a fairly heavy atmosphere.And for good reason.Next to a year ago, on April 16, 2015, as part of his work, this same commission had interviewed as an expert M.Aubier, who had declared in the preamble to his intervention: "I have no interest in economic players.A declaration under oath denied by Liberation and Le Canard Enchaîné who revealed, on Wednesday, that the professor had exercised since 1997 the functions of doctor-advisor for Total, responsible for advising the executives of the group in the event of health problems.

Lire aussi Diesel et cancer : un pneumologue accusé de conflits d’intérêts

Silence a conflict of interest when one comes to enlighten its knowledge of the members of a parliamentary commission of inquiry could lead the pulmonologist before the courts.Senators who worked for several months on the "economic and financial cost of air pollution" did not, at the very least, appreciated to learn this link with Total.Thursday, they asked President Gérard Larcher to entrust the case to the Senate office, who should decide collectively at his next meeting in April, whether he seized a prosecutor or not.The procedure is "extremely rare", it is said in the Senate.

« Aucun signal d’alerte»»

If the case takes these exceptional proportions, it is that MichelSore was a recognized professor, received in qualities in many instances.In 2015, the Foundation for Medical Research had awarded him the Jean-Bernard Prize, a distinction supposed to "honor a personality of the scientific world which enriched, by the presentation of his research, the knowledge of the public in the field of health".In fact, the pulmonologist has long multiplied reassuring statements on the effects of air contamination, especially those of diesel.

On Thursday, the senators also interviewed the Director General of Public Assistance-Hospitals in Paris (AP-HP), MartinHirsch.The latter was initially summoned by the commission of inquiry in April 2015, but was finally replaced by M.Aubier, in confidence, he confides."I had had no alert signal on its interests of interest," he said to the world.MartinHirsch is also in the process of completing a prevention plan for conflicts of interest which he wishes to put in place in his institution."Currently, I am unable to obtain doctors of the AP-HP that they declare their links of interest, illustrates M.Hirsch.They have the right to refuse such a request.»»

Pollution : le pneumologue MichelSore face à ses mensonges

In the case of M.Aubier, it was one of his media interventions that set fire to the powder. Des médecins se sont indignés, dans une lettre ouverte, de ses déclarations au cours de l’émission « Allô docteurs»», diffusée le 1er mars sur France 5. L’intéressé minimisait les risques sanitaires liés aux moteurs diesel, déclarant, notamment, que la pollution atmosphérique « peut être cancérogène»», mais que, « pour le moment, ce qui a juste été démontré, c’est essentiellement des cancers lors d’expositions assez fortes, c’est-à-dire professionnelles»».

« Faux témoignage»»

It was already more or less the content of his remarks in front of the Senate.He then omitted to mention the cancers of the respiratory tract among the diseases partially attributable to air pollution.However, the increase in the risk of cancer for the entire population exposed to fine particles is a fact that is no longer debated within the scientific and medical community.

"It is a false testimony all the more unacceptable as he emanates from a doctor, a professor, about a question of public health," declares to the world the environmental senator of Paris, Leila Aïchi, authorof the senatorial report on the cost of air pollution.If we had known these links with Total, we would not have heard it.It's scandalous !I plan to deposit an amendment establishing aggravating circumstances in cases of perjury relating to health or environmental affairs.»»

The day of hearing, she had already moved from the strangeness of the declarations of M.Sore. « Je souhaitais savoir (…) comment l’exposé que vous nous avez présenté a été élaboré puisque j’ai l’impression que les fourchettes que vous avez évoquées ne sont nullement exhaustives»», lui avait-elle vertement demandé, n’hésitant pas à ajouter que son exposé lui paraissait « léger»». Après plusieurs mois de travaux, les sénateurs avaient rendu public, le 15 juillet 2015, leur rapport, qui estimait le « coût de l’inaction»» à 101,3 milliards par an. MichelSore avançait, lui, que les dépenses liées aux pathologies respiratoires s’élevaient à 2,4 millions à 4,85 millions d’euros par an pour l’AP-HP.

Mme Aïchi confie avoir été alertée sur l’étrange position de M.Sore par des ONG, dont elle tient à saluer le rôle de lanceur d’alerte.These associations - Ecology without border, breathes and the rally for the planet - have long been fighting on the air of air pollution. En 2014, la première avait déposé une plainte au tribunal de grande instance de Paris pour « mise en danger d’autrui»», une façon, selon son vice-président Nadir Saïfi, de dénoncer « l’inertie des pouvoirs publics»» sur la question de la pollution atmosphérique.Invited on the antenna of a public radio, M.Saïfi was surprised to find M.Sore dans le studio, venu lui porter la contradiction.The action of the association had been classified without follow -up.

Stéphane Foucart Etmartine Valo

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