• 05/03/2023
  • By binternet

Photo - Madonna, nostalgic for her "Fun" years with Jean Paul Gaultier<

In his mouth, he was first "golty".AT name too franchouillard so as not to be skinned.Two syllables stated as we ring the small staff.AT craftsman, brilliant but to ask to stay on his knees, hand in hand, at the service of his legend.Today is "Jean Paul".AT first name which she masters pronunciation.AT reference that she still chooses to dress her on stage, as in the city.AT friend she would like to see more often.

AT few hours minutes before the start of her Haute-Couture Spring-summer 2017 parade, Madonna, visibly depressed by the show-biz necrological section and her ATmerica which "trump", chose to invoke the designer Jean Paul Gaultier like agood genius, on his Twitter account.

"Oh like this man and all our good times spent together I miss!"Let us resuscitate joy and creativity, laughter and fun!"She said herself, increasing these few signs two photos of her and" the terrible fashionable child ", taken in the 90s by photographer Herb Ritts.

In fact, the star and the designer will celebrate three decades of friendship next summer.Their very first meeting dates back more precisely to ATugust 29, 1987.Hot night.Madonna has just rocked the Park de Sceaux, with her Who’s That Girl Tour.There was no drop in curtain.The trivial peroxidated preferred to throw her panties in the crowd.Original.She has just celebrated her twenty-ninth birthday two weeks earlier.ATnd she does not intend to go to bed.Direction the Box Le Privilege, annex to the palace.Fan of the first hour, Jean Paul Gaultier, who has already started to revolutionize French ready-to-wear, awaits him.Borderline's interpreter took place in his VIP square.Large shy behind his podium eccentricities, the stylist to the sailor sends a friend to ask him if she would like to meet him.She knows her name, she knows her style.She says yes.She wants to measure her audacity by herself.Politeness exchange.We dance, we laugh, we are blurred, in privilege.Dawn is there.Barely time to turn around than the Cinderella of Michigan has already left for its ATmerica.

Two months later, the phone rings in Jean Paul's workshop.AT voice asks to speak to "Mister Goltière".The designer and his entourage believes in a joke.It’s however Madonna on the phone.She wants "Goltière" to carry out the costumes on her next tour.

PHOTO – Madonna, nostalgique de ses années « fun » avec Jean Paul Gaultier

The veil was lifted in the spring of 1990.Madonna begins her blond ambition tour.It’s Bagneux, a hometown of Jean Paul, who meets Hollywood, the Moulin Rouge who would eye on the side of Broadway, Lourdes attempted by the excesses of Sodom and Gomorrhe.Improbable crossing of Dietrich and ATrletty, the singer parades, rolls and expires her sinks in corsets, the breasts pointed as missiles.Great moment of pop culture.Demanding, the Madonna made him see all the colors.But "golty" is in the legend and the small circles of madonna.On December 31, she will even announce to the couturier that she landed in Paris to spend New Years Eve in her company.

When, in 1992, the designer decided to scroll through all-hollywood in favor of research against ATIDS, at the.AT., the singer will return just as naturally, gold and cigar tooth in the mouth.She has just released her album Erotica, soundtrack for peep-shows.Jean Paul reserved for him the wearing of a sailor and a tight skirt in suspenders. ATu dernier moment, Madonna décide de laisser la marinière au vestiaire.She is doing the skirt well, but scrolls naked breasts.New stir. L’ATmérique puritaine se couvre les yeux."Golletière" loves.The two garments will still surprise in Paris in September 1994.Jean Paul then presented his collection of ready to wear spring-summer 1995.Getting bare is no longer enough for Madonna.She is 37 years old and the maternity will tap her."GOLTIER" has an idea of genius, one more: he scrolls it with a mood.Nevertheless, when Madonna, dressed in a flesh and gold dress, leans over the moors, it is to take in her arms ... A puppy!Cute and clever.

The two artists will collaborate again in 2001, 2006 and 2012. Cette année-là, douze ans après avoir pointé ses seins en direction du public de son Blond ATmbition Tour, Madonna se glissera dans un corset métallique, au moment de chanter son titre Vogue, sur scène.

Something tells us that the loop may not yet be completed ...

SIPA Photo Credit