• 06/09/2022
  • By binternet

Michelin will seek its growth out of the tire<

A défaut de réinventer la roue, pourquoi ne pas en sortir… Le groupe Michelin a présenté jeudi 8 avril sa nouvelle stratégie post-Covid qui fait reposer une grande partie de sa future et ambitieuse croissance pour 2030 sur tout autre chose que le pneumatique, cœur de son activité et source principale de son expansion passée.Michelin va chercher sa croissance hors du pneu Michelin va chercher sa croissance hors du pneu

The global tire giant announced to investors its objectives for 2030 during a presentation from its headquarters in Clermont-Ferrand.After a "digestion" phase of the COVVI-19 crisis, Michelin plans to reach 24.5 billion euros in turnover in 2023 (against 20 billion in 2020).From there, the group plans to reach annual growth of 5 % until 2030, which would bring it to sales of 34.5 billion euros at the end of the decade.

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On this horizon, Michelin hopes to achieve between 20 % and 30 % of his turnover in what he calls the activities "around the tire"-the services-and "beyond the tire"-connected, medical, medical objectsComposite materials for various uses (treadmills, joints, pipes, hydrogen battery membranes).All of this allows sales of 1 billion euros today.Given the figures announced, this "off-pneumatic" should grow from 6 to 9 billion euros in ten years (an increase beyond 700 %!) When tire sales increase by 1 to 4 billion between 2023and 2030 ( + 4 % to + 17 %).

« D’autres alliances»»

Michelin va chercher sa croissance hors du pneu

"Michelin, during its history, made trains, planes, invented the road map," recalls FlorentLesing, the group's president.Diversification is in its genes.Today we produce non -toxic glues, medical tissues.Basically, Michelin's basic know-how is that of materials.A Michelin tire looks commonplace, but it's a small miracle of technology from this skill.»»

Notable point: unlike old house habits, this diversification has been done for a few years either by acquisition or by forming a partnership with another company.Among the most salient examples, we can cite Fenner, acquired in 2018, specialist in polymers for mining conveyors and for medical use;Symbio, manufacturer of hydrogen batteries, co -managed with the automotive supplier Faurecia since 2019. « Il y aura d’autres acquisitions, d’autres alliances»», prévient M.Lesing.They will be essential, given the expected growth in non-pneumatic.

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