• 22/10/2022
  • By binternet

Gérard Bérail, a local figure in Foix, died after a life of commitments<

Gérard Bérail s’est éteint ce week-end à l’âge de 68 ans. Ce Fuxéen de cœur, originaire de Chalabre, dans l’Aude, était une figure locale. De celle qui marque de son empreinte le tissu associatif et la vie d’une cité de manière durable. Ses engagements étaient aussi forts que multiples. Il est d’ailleurs difficile d’en faire la liste exhaustive tant il s’est investi au sein d'associations locales. Citons tout de même : RESF, le festival Résistances (qu'il a aidé à redémarrer), l'université populaire du pays de Foix, Radio Transparence… et tout récemment La Main Tendue, association qui accueille et accompagne les familles de détenus de la maison d’arrêt de Foix.Gérard Bérail, figure locale à Foix, est décédé après une vie d'engagements Gérard Bérail, figure locale à Foix, est décédé après une vie d'engagements

Gérard Bérail therefore leaves a big void behind him.Some will not forget his investment in the circles and associations he animated and frequented, until the end.Because despite his illness, the sixty -something man always had projects in his head.Gérard was a rich personality, an activist, a resistant, and especially a man of convictions with corresponding acts.The day after the announcement of his death, these numerous character traits were rented by the people who knew him.Norbert Meler, mayor of Foix, the first: "He was a great republican, and his varied commitment signed up for forty years.In addition, he was a discreet man, humble, but oh so in direct contact with society.He was on the aisles of the market every Friday, where he chatted a lot with people.He liked to immerse himself, it was not just a theorist.It was, moreover, a great teacher.»»

Indeed, Gérard Bérail had tilted in teaching after a job as an educator in the Toulouse suburbs.English teacher at Lakanal college, he left the memory of an available, open and inventive teacher. « Il a marqué l’esprit de bon nombre de collégiens»», tient à rajouter à ce propos le maire.

A true humanist, humble and modest

Gérard Bérail, figure locale à Foix, est décédé après une vie d'engagements

Gérard was curious about everything, in all areas;He had contacts, ideas, links with those who, here or elsewhere, are committed, as he could be, to clarify consciences, to seek the best, the best, the most beautiful to give ... in allSimplicity and modesty.Deeply humanist;concerned with man, his dignity, his future hence his attachment to popular education.In this area he was a founding member of the Popular University of the Pays de Foix which he took over in 2016.He was able to stimulate a strong dynamic and program magnificent conferences on very diverse subjects.

At the origin of free radios, he was a fierce defender of freedom of expression and has interesting interview recordings.He is the one that allowed Radio Transparency to get full full swing. Président de la radio de 1994 à 2001, il était un élément fort, une sorte « d’autorité morale»» importante."It was he who hired me," recalls Hugues Schamberger, journalist of the Fuxéen associative radio.He was someone who had a vision of a lot of things, and a lot of knowledge.He played for us the role of paternal.»» Radio Transparence lui rendra d’ailleurs hommage, ce mardi, entre 11 heures et 13 h 30, en donnant la parole à tous ceux qui l’ont connu.

So many people who already regret his absence and share this test with his loved ones.