• 13/12/2022
  • By binternet

Five tips for working on your business vision (especially right now)<

It is the cardinal quality of a good leader, and even more in these troubled times: having a vision, drawing and set a goal when nothing is certain, that the risk taking is maximum and that we are tempted toReview your copy at the slightest turbulence.For months, the Pandemic of Covid-19 and successive confinements have been questioning contracts, ideas and plans.We are no longer so sure that such a project is possible, or even sensible.Difficult, then, to distinguish what really matters to what to forget, what we are capable of the rest.

The good news is that the ability to have a vision is not innate.Like another skill, vision muscle, exercises and refines.To undertake as if to better appropriate your post, work your vision is to know who you are, what you want to do and how.For that, the challenge is to ask the right questions, in the right way, and to seek concrete answers.Practical tips to dissipate the fog.

Choose what we believe

We all dream of it: being able to understand an era, the world around us and analyze it finely enough to develop projects that carry far.However, to "see", you have to look in the right direction."One way to achieve this is to wonder what is the subject that one cannot miss," explains Laurence Moryoussef, coach and founder of the Cabinet Manadox.And to distinguish what your employer expects from you from what will make you proud and fulfilled - both not being "fitted".

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Make your business more eco -responsible, conquer a market, fight against waste ... It is up to everyone to identify their engine."If we have no idea what we want to do, I doubt that we find the answer alone," said Laurence Moryoussef.Better in this case to be accompanied - by a psychologist or a coach - while drawing inspiration wherever she is."We often hear:" I have no ideas ".But an introspection work will not change anything.What matters is to read, to learn, to exchange.»»»»

Listen to others

«L’idée est de rencontrer le plus d’acteurs possible du domaine qui nous intéresse»»»», poursuit Laurence Moryoussef.A volley of emails or LinkedIn messages to offer coffees, a tour of interesting events, books, podcasts, conferences, we put ourselves in the shoes of an anthropologist and we ask open questions."What are you doing?", "How does it work?", "What are your difficulties?", "How do you get around?"These wide questions give way to the unexpected.The goal?Break your routine reflexes and reason from other angles.It is also true within the company.Hence the importance of exchanging with other services and rubbing shoulders with different points of view.

Know what you don't know

Cinq conseils pour travailler sa vision business (surtout en ce moment)

It is useful gymnastics to awaken your curiosity: look for all the information you need to decide how, when and why you get started."If I think of opening a crèche, I will meet people who have done so, question the specialists of this particular ecosystem, read scientific studies on children, enumerates Laurence Moryoussef.If I feel the desire to evolve within my company, I ask my manager, my HR manager or anyone else to check what is feasible.»»»»

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Attention, il ne s’agit pas de leur demander leur avis – «Penses-tu que je ferais un bon manager ?»»»» – mais bien de données concrètes. «Des postes vont-ils bientôt se libérer ?»»»», «des recrutements sont-ils prévus ?»»»», «à quel cadre dirigeant puis-je présenter un projet ?»»»». «Quand on a toutes ces clés en main, on bâtit non pas un plan d’action, mais plusieurs scénarios très clairs pour atteindre notre objectif»»»», poursuit notre coach.A privileged roadmap, and two or three emergency plans if necessary.

Scenarios that must in particular help you anticipate criticism.Each person you will talk about your idea can find it bad, each for completely different reasons.And this is strangely good news. «Anticiper les arguments des uns et des autres est une façon de s’autochallenger, d’aborder son idée sous des tas d’angles différents qui vont permettre de l’enrichir»»»», souligne Laurence Moryoussef.


This open posture is vital to calmly consider a project, whatever it is."We tend to believe that, if something does not work the first time, it is that we got bad on it or that we are just zero. Mais l’essai-erreur est l’essence même de l’apprentissage»»»», rappelle notre coach.Before they are concretized, ideas need time and confrontation to reality to mature.This is how, and taking the time does not mean being slow.On the other hand, it is better to ensure, at the start, that we can keep the distance. «Quel est mon scénario catastrophe, la situation dans laquelle je ne veux surtout pas me retrouver ? Ne plus voir mes proches parce que je travaille trop ? Ne plus avoir de salaire pendant quelques mois ?»»»», énumère Laurence Moryoussef.

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Do not lie

Either this disaster scenario has no chance of getting realized - so we go for it.Either it is likely, but you know how to keep your head cool - the same answer.If not, it is better to accept it honestly."If we do not listen to ourselves, we take the risk of being exceeded, paralyzed and unable to act correctly.»»»"Adapting your project - even giving it up - accepting to change tracks, strategy, is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary.It is above all the proof that we know each other well, so that we will be able to do something else.Successfully, this time.

This article, initially published in June 2020, has been updated.

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