• 31/03/2022
  • By binternet

Fashion – Is the costume from the new world?<

With the rise of telecommuting and the success of "sportswear", we might think it was out of fashion. But the phoenix of the men's locker room has not said its last word.

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It's a video that made the buzz. Last April, the American journalist Will Reeves intervened in the show Good Morning America on the ABC channel. Dressed in a blue jacket and shirt, he was talking about some pharmacies that used drones to deliver drugs. So far, nothing viral. Except that a wider shot showed that the journalist was not wearing pants at the bottom, but only boxer shorts… A mishap that illustrates the fall of a cornerstone of the men's locker room.

In the era of sportswear and telecommuting, what (still) is the suit for? A Kantar study revealed that the number of models sold had increased from 3.3 million in 2011 to 1.36 million in 2019. And there is no doubt that the explosion of telework linked to the health crisis is likely to bring about a...

Mode – Le costume est-il du nouveau monde ?

By Vicky Chahine

YANNIS VLAMOS/SP – SP (x9) – SHOJI FUJII/Jacquemus/SP – Roberto Tecchio/HUGO BOSS

You are currently reading: Fashion – Is the costume from the new world?100%Batch cooking by great chefs

For the start of 2020, Le Point is devoting a special issue to batch cooking. This new concept from Anglo-Saxon countries consists of preparing a large number of ingredients and dishes in advance on weekends to save time during your weekday dinners.

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