• 28/05/2022
  • By binternet

Autonomous Roboats ready for testing on Amsterdam channels<

Les visiteurs d'Amsterdam pourraient bientôt apercevoir de petits bateaux autonomes de la taille d'une voiture sillonnant les canaux de la ville. Des bateaux autonomes, qui passent silencieusement en transportant des passagers, en livrant des marchandises ou en transportant des déchets. Mesdames et messieurs, voici les Roboats. Et le nom ?Les « Roboats » autonomes prêts pour les tests sur les canaux d'Amsterdam

More captivating than a self-contained floating vehicle, isn't it? This is a project that will soon begin trial trips aimed at improving the transportation options of the crowded Dutch city.

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We start with the first two boats

Après quatre ans de tests avec des versions plus petites et des améliorations du concept, les fabricants ont présenté mercredi dernier les deux premiers Roboats fonctionnels de taille réelle. L'une des premières applications de test du bateau sera pour une tâche peu attrayante mais importante : le ramassage des ordures.Les « Roboats » autonomes prêts pour les tests sur les canaux d'Amsterdam

Les « Roboats » autonomes prêts pour les tests sur les canaux d'Amsterdam

The work is normally carried out by trucks, but it causes traffic jams and poses a danger to the safety of pedestrians. Instead, the Roboats will act like floating garbage cans, returning to the base when they are full. The city of Amsterdam, which supports the project, is evaluating the positions for a pilot project to collect waste with a roboate which is expected to start in early 2022.

The robots will have to be digitally connected to the city's vessel traffic management to avoid collisions, but Stefan Van Dijk, project manager, says without human drivers and excellent night "view" the risks will be very low. The possibility of using them 24 hours a day makes it possible to move logistics at night while leaving the pleasure boat during the day.

How's a Roboat made?

The technical details of the roboat are available at the project site, including battery performance and wireless charging system. Regarding the characteristics, consider a Roboat as an upside-down drone: below the surface of the water are two propellers (bow and stern) and two thrusters (on the sides of the bow). This allows the boat to manoeuvre in a very agile way, including mooring manoeuvres.

A front scanner, two GPS systems (bow and stern) and several cameras on the sides help Roboat to position itself. The ship's programming, however, is done by the computers on the ground. Currently the boat does not have the clearances to sail with passengers: soon, however, this hull of 1200 kg (2,645 XNUMX lb) will show its full potential.

A Roboat fleet can really surprise: not just for passengers, waste and transport models. Many connected boats can act in unthinkable ways: think of floating platforms for concerts, temporary bridges (certainly less beautiful than that), or a circle of boats to contain an oil spill.

The only limit is imagination.