• 17/11/2022
  • By binternet

It is finally time to assume your stretch marks<

Warning: I never had stretch marks.Until recently, I had rarely seen it.The enthusiasm they have aroused on social networks for a few years was therefore a revelation.

From now on, stretch marks represent much more than rites of passage.You know, these rites during which our body changes: puberty, pregnancy, weight gain ... The stretch marks are now displayed with enthusiasm.The model Ashley Graham, a follower of inclusive posts on social networks, does not hesitate to exhibit them as soon as she poses in a swimsuit."I don't see why I would be ashamed," she sums up during a recent interview in People magazine.Ditto for singer Lizzo, the priestess of fitness Kayla Itsines and many others.The Instagram community celebrates stretch marks, and it makes us all stronger.

In reality, it is not just force, but also of love.Yes: we can now like our stretch marks.Whether it is sand dunes on our breasts, lava flows on our thighs or flames that rise on our postpartum abdomen, stretch marks unite us.They concern all ethnic groups, all countries, and testify to our physical and emotional growth.As the model Alva Claire says: “The stretch marks tell our story.»The model Jill Kortleve adds by commenting on a photo of stretch marks decorated with glitter, taken by the artist @Sarashakeel:“ I have always loved my stretch marks, and I always said that they were the part of my body that Ifavorite.»

The ravages caused by the concealment of stretch marks being very real, the irony of the situation does not escape me.As a longtime beauty editor, I can tell you that articles on the eradication of stretch marks have long been claimed by readers.But times have changed. “Désormais, les vergetures qui s’affichent dans les magazines sont là pour vous rappeler que vous n’êtes pas seule», dit Charli Howard, mannequin de 30 ans et fondatrice de la marque Squish Beauty.When she was 21 years old, Charli Howard had trouble digesting the difference between the appearance of her body on the photographers' sets and the retouched images that were then published."My stretch marks made me suffer.I belong to a generation that grew up believing that perfection was necessary for well-being.I passed my adolescence, then all my twenty, to hate my body.There was a lot of pressure.»Alva Claire relate une expérience similaire : “J'ai toujours eu beaucoup d’estime de moi-même, et je me suis toujours sentie à l'aise en sous-vêtements.But it was hard not to see other bodies of women who were changing like mine.I felt alone, and the days when I was not morale, it was difficult to swallow.»

Dare to assert oneself as we are

Il est enfin l'heure d'assumer ses vergetures

Fortunately, the time of appearances has given way to that of well-being."I finally understood that my time and comfort were my priorities. En tant que femme, je pense que c’est un acte de rébellion», déclare Jameela Jamil, fondatrice du site radicalement inclusif I Weigh (iweighcommunity.com).In adolescence, her first stretch marks appeared on her breasts overnight.After years to hide them, she understood that it was to show cruelty to her own body.During the shooting of the television comedy The Good Place, she refused to make up them."I played a kind of sex symbol in a very watched program, and it seemed important to show the spectators that traces on my breasts were not ashamed.» Idem pour Charli Howard, récemment tombée sur une photo de ses vergetures prise quelques années plus tôt. “On aurait dit des éclairs sur le haut de mes cuisses», dit-elle, “et ça m’a fait du bien.»

But if the change is indeed in progress on social networks, it is far from being the case in all sectors of society.As Alexia Inge says, co-founder of Cult Beauty beauty products, “I have not seen a launch for a new anti-glass-cutting cream for a long time.This does not necessarily mean that women are now in love with their folds and crevices.For me, it only means that by dint of normalizing them in advertising, their eradication fell lower in the list of things to do in terms of beauty.»