The French designer Pierre Cardin, visionary stylist and pioneer of ready-to-wear, died Tuesday December 29 at the age of 98, announced his family to AFP."Day of great sadness for our whole family, Pierre Cardin is no longer.The great designer he was, crossed the century, leaving France and the world a unique artistic heritage in fashion but not only, "wrote his family in a press release.
"We are all proud of his tenacious ambition and the audacity he has shown throughout his life.Modern man with multiple talents and inexhaustible energy, he registered very early in the flows of the globalization of goods and exchanges ", according to the text.
The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron and his wife salute "the memory of a singular creator whose windows a stone's throw from the Élysée remind them daily visionary genius," the Élysée wrote in a press release, believing that "French haute couture is orphan of his dean and one of his most vanger..
Futuristic fashion
Son of Italian immigrants who became a businessman on behalf of the world known, Pierre Cardin died in the morning at the American hospital in Neuilly, in the west of Paris.
Born in Italy in July 1922, he was one of the figures in futuristic fashion, first in ready-to-wear of which he was one of the pioneers, then in haute couture.A wise businessman, he had multiplied the franchise contracts of his name, which has become a commercial brand.
Before many others, Pierre Cardin had opened a "corner" in a department store, scrolled through men.And adopted on a large scale a license system which assured him a distribution worldwide, affixing his name on products as diverse as ties, cigarettes, perfumes or mineral water.
An "unconditional love" to France
Precursor, he had turned to Asia very early on where he enjoyed great notoriety: he went in 1957 to Japan, then in the midst of reconstruction, and had organized parades in China in 1979.
"Italian by birth, Pierre Cardin has never forgotten his origins while bringing France an unconditional love to France", writes his family again.
"Supreme consecration, he is finally the first designer to enter the Academy of Fine Arts, making fashion recognized as a full-fledged art.This is evidenced today by his sword as an academician whom he himself created and on which are engraved the symbols of his success, "she concludes.
With AFP and Reuters
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