• 17/08/2022
  • By binternet

Direct - Afghanistan: the Taliban hold Kabul, flights suspended at the airport<

Direct - The situation in Afghanistan Summary of the day on video:

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8:02 pm GMT: President Biden is expressed "after 20 years, I have also learned that there was never a good time to withdraw American forces," said the American president during an addressto the nation."The truth is that all this went faster than we had planned," he said from the White House.Joe Biden claims that the United States was not intended to "build a nation" in Afghanistan."American forces cannot, and should not, wage a war and die of a war that the Afghan forces do not have the will to fight for themselves".He defends the choice to withdraw soldiers from the country but warns that anti-terrorist actions could be carried out "if necessary".He also threatens to use "devastating force" if the Taliban disrupt evacuation operations.

He also pointed out that the United States opponents on the international scene, China and Russia in the front row, would have "adored" that the Americans remain bogged down in Afghanistan.The Head of State promised to commit to "women and young girls".

Joe Biden, le 16 août 2021

7:13 pm GMT: The United States continues with Russia and Chineantony Blinken spoke separately with Russian and Chinese foreign ministers, Sergei Lavrov and Wang Yi, to approach the security situation and evacuation efforts,said the State Department, providing few details on the content of conversations.6:00 pm GMT: Emmanuel Macron speaks about the situation in Afghanistan

Emmanuel Macron, lors de son allocution télévisée du 16 août 2021

Emmanuel Macron called on Monday to "anticipate" and "protect against important irregular migratory flows" which "nourish traffic of all kinds", during a television address devoted to the situation in Afghanistan, fallen into the hands of the Taliban.

"We will therefore bring, in connection with the Federal Republic of Germany and other Europeans, an initiative to build without waiting for a robust, coordinated and united response," continued the French president, calling for "solidarity in theeffort, the harmonization of protection criteria and the implementation of cooperation with transit countries ".France must "protect" the Afghans who helped her, says the French president.Emmanuel Macron also said that "Afghanistan should not become the sanctuary of terrorism that it was".

Regarding women, the French president said that "Afghanes have the right to live in freedom and dignity"."The fate of Afghanistan is in its hands but we will remain, fraternally alongside the Afghanus (...) By saying very clearly to those who opt for war, obscurantism and blind violence that they choose isolation and endless misery, "warned the head of state.4:47 pm GMT: Afghanistan: London intends to ask "accounts" from the Taliban

British diplomacy chief Dominic Raab warned on Monday that the government "will ask accounts" at the Taliban."Everyone, I believe, was surprised at the speed with which they took power in Afghanistan," said Foreign Minister Dominic Raab, interviewed on television, conceding that one had to draw one "lesson".4:39 pm GMT: The "defeat" of the Americans must turn into "peace opportunity" (Iran)

"The military defeat and the departure of the United States of Afghanistan must turn into an opportunity to establish security and lasting peace in this country," said Ebrahim Raïssi, the Iranian president, saying that Tehran was holding "to the relations of goodneighborhood with Afghanistan ", according to an official press release.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the authority resulting from the will of the oppressed people of Afghanistan is the source of security and stability," added Ebrahim Raïssi, still according to the press release, which does not explicitly mention theTaliban.

Direct - Afghanistan : les talibans tiennent Kaboul, les vols suspendus à l'aéroport

Iran announced Sunday that it has reduced the staff of its diplomatic staff in Afghanistan, while leaving its embassy opened in the capital Kabul.

Le président iranien, Ebrahim Raisi, lors d'une cérémonie au parlement, à Téhéran, le 5 août 2021 (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

4:34 pm GMT: meeting tomorrow Tuesday August 17 of European foreign ministers European foreign ministers will have a meeting by videoconference on Tuesday to discuss the situation in Afghanistan, where Western states are trying to accelerate their evacuation operations, announcedJosep Borrell, the EU diplomacy chief.4:26 pm GMT: Uzbekistan says it has "forced to land" 46 Afghan planes and helicopters having crossed the border

Uzbekistan had 22 aircraft and 24 Afghan military helicopters went through the border with 585 soldiers on board on Saturday and Sunday, at the time when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, said the Attorney General on Mondayouzbek.

These devices have "illegally crossed the airspace of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and were forced to land at Termez International Airport in the South, the prosecutor said in a message on his Telegram channel.4:00 pm GMT: "Under the Taliban, no one is free", testimony of Margaux Benn, directormargaux Benn, co -director of "Afghanistan, living in Taliban country" indicates that "life under the Taliban is different according to the provinces.But certainty is that people do not live free and are constantly scrutinized ".

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3:43 pm GMT: all civilian and military flights suspended at Kabul airport all civilian and military flights were suspended from Kabul airport due to the burst of a crowd of Afghans desperately trying to desperatelyLeaving the country after the Taliban's return, said Pentagon spokesman on Monday.

"American military forces are on site and work with other soldiers, Turkish and international, to disperse people.We don't know how long it will take, "said John Kirby.

Photo satellite de la foule prenant d'assaut le tarmac de l'aéroport international de Kaboul, aussi connu sous le nom du Hamid Karzai aéroport international, le 16 août 2021. (Satellite image ©2021 Maxar Technologies via AP) Photo satellite du tarmac de l'aéroport international de Kaboul le 16 août 2021 (Satellite image ©2021 Maxar Technologies via AP)

3:04 pm GMT: Biden will contact the Americans at 7:45 pm GMT

The American president, silent for several days in the face of the takeover of the country by the Taliban and the chaotic evacuation of the Americans still present in Afghanistan, shorten to do this stay at Camp David, a resort of the American presidents.

Le Président américain Joe Biden, le 14 août 2021 (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, Pool, File)

2:48 pm GMT: Two men killed at Kabulles Airport American soldiers killed two armed men at Kabul airport, where thousands of Afghans continue to try to leave the country."In the midst of the thousands of people who were there peacefully, two types have brandished their weapons with threatening air," an official who requested anonymity told AFP."They were both killed."2:39 pm GMT: Revelation of a meeting on Sunday between American forces and the Taliban heads of American forces in Kabul, General Kenneth McKenzie, met Taliban officials on Sunday in Doha to ask them not to attack Kabul airport, a pentagon official told AFP on Monday at AFP.

"I confirm" the information on this meeting in Doha, said this official who requested anonymity, refusing to give more details on the possible commitments obtained from the Taliban.

Le Général Kenneth McKenzie, commandant du Commandement central des États-Unis, lors d'un briefing au Pentagon, le 22 avril 2021 (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

2:35 pm GMT: Russian diplomacy believes that the situation in Afghanistan stabilizes "the situation in Kabul and Afghanistan stabilizes.The Taliban restore public order and have confirmed security guarantees for local civilians and diplomatic missions, "said the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2:22 pm GMT: The world must unite to fight "the terrorist threat" "The international community must unite to ensure that Afghanistan is never used again as a platform or a refuge for terrorist organizations",said UN secretary general, M.Guterres, during an emergency meeting of the Security Council.

Le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, A. Guterres au Moncloa Palace à Madrid, en Espagne, le 2 juillet 2021 (AP Photo/Paul White).14h00 GMT : les talibans n'auront pas accès aux réserves monétaires de la Banque centrale afghane

"The assets of the Central Bank that the Afghan government has in the United States will not be made available to the Taliban," said a Biden administration official.

13h19 GMT : "La plus grosse débâcle de l'OTAN depuis sa création"Le dirigeant du parti conservateur allemand d'Angela Merkel et candidat à sa succession à la chancellerie, Armin Laschet, a qualifié le retrait d'Afghanistan des troupes occidentales de "plus grosse débâcle (...) de l'Otan depuis sa création et c'est un changement d'époque auquel nous sommes confrontés". Il a ajouté qu"il est évident que cet engagement de la communauté internationale n'a pas été couronné de succès".Un combattant taliban avec son fusil dans les rues de Kaboul, le 16 août 2021 (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul).Mi-journée : Emmanuel Macron tient un conseil de défense en visioconférenceLa France s'apprête d'ici lundi soir à évacuer ses derniers ressortissants d'Afghanistan. Le président Emmanuel Macron doit s'exprimer à 20 heures pour détailler sa stratégie face à cette crise qui inquiète fortement la communauté internationale.Depuis le fort de Brégançon, à Bormes-les-Mimosas (Var), où il est en vacances, le chef de l'Etat a fait le point de la situation au cours d'un Conseil de défense en visioconférence avec les principaux responsables concernés, comme les ministres des Affaires étrangères Jean-Yves Le Drian et des Armées Florence Parly.

Nothing has filtered from the meeting while waiting for the television allowance during which Emmanuel Macron should express "the extreme concern" of Paris against the return of the Taliban, to affirm that France is "alongside the Afghans" and to recall "The universal values "which she defends to" face obscurantism "of Islamist fundamentalists, according to those around him.

Des soldats français embarquent dans un Airbus A400M pour aller évacuer des citoyens français. Orléans, France, le 16 août 2021 (Etat-Major des Armees via AP).

It should also detail the military evacuation operation called Apagan, which notably mobilizes two air force transport aircraft, an C130 and an A400M, which took off Sunday evening and Monday morning from France for the Arab EmiratesUnited.

Des responsables taliban au palais présidentiel de Kaboul après la fuite de l'ex-président afghan, Ashraf Ghani, le 15 août 2021. (AP Photo/Zabi Karimi) 12h39 GMT : "Un échec de la communauté internationale" Le ministre britannique de la Défense, Ben Wallace, à Tokyo, le 20 juillet 2021 (Franck Robichon/Pool Photo via AP)

British Defense Minister Ben Wallace described the return to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan "failure of the international community", then added that it "did not understand that one does not solve things of the dayon the next day".The Minister had already openly criticized the American decision last week to withdraw.However, he assured that British engagement in Afghanistan, which cost the life of 457 British soldiers in 20 years of intervention, "did not count for anything".11:30 am GMT: Despair and panic scenes at Kabul Airport

"Les talibans ont gagné", voici ce qu'a déclaré le désormais ex-président afghan Ashraf Ghani en fuite à l'étranger. Comme pour les autres grandes villes du pays, la prise de Kaboul s'est faite rapidement et sans résistance, ou presque. Depuis, c'est la débâcle. Des gens agrippés à un avion militaire qui roule sur le tarmac. Diffusées ce matin sur les réseaux sociaux, ces images ont déjà fait le tour du monde. Des milliers d'Afghans cherchant à prendre un vol pour fuir le nouveau régime taliban.

The Americans sent 6,000 soldiers to evacuate some 30,000 Afghan American and civilian diplomats having cooperated with the United States.Many other countries have also transferred members of their diplomatic staff to the airport before evacuation.From Madrid to The Hague, via Paris, Bucharest, London, etc..The chancelleries are busy organizing their departure everywhere.

Les vingt ans de présence américaine et de leurs alliés n'ont pas réussi à mettre fin à la menace des talibans. Qui sont ces désormais ex-insurgés ? Comment sont-ils financés ? Comment ont-ils gagné ? Éléments de réponse. Chargement du lecteur...(Re)lire : Afghanistan : qui sont les dirigeants talibans ?