Adored stars and respected by his peers: Alber Elbaz, the fashion designer in the eternal bow tie who had awakened the Lanvin house, died Saturday from COVVI-19, leaving behind a fashion industry in mourning mourning."It was in shock and with great sadness that I learned of the sudden death of Alber.[…] He was a man of exceptional and very talented warmth, and his singular vision, his sense of beauty and empathy will leave an indelible mark, ”praised its president Johann Rupert in a press release.The creator was for fourteen years at the head of the Lanvin house before being ousted in 2015.
Recognizable by his round silhouette, his glasses and his bow tie, Alber Elbaz marked the world of fashion by his little cocktail dresses, often black, popular with Hollywood actresses like Natalie Portman.Born in Morocco, he began his career with American creator Geoffrey Beene in New York, before being hired by Guy Laroche.He then took the difficult succession of Yves Saint-Laurent for the ready-to-wear line of the French designer in 1998, before joining Lanvin in 2001."When I finished a collection, I call stores, not the Museum of Modern Art," he said in Liberation in 1998.
He was a man of exceptional and very talented warmth.Johann Rupert, President of Richemont
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At the head of this large house for fourteen years, he managed the tour de force to replace the oldest French fashion house, founded by Jeanne Lanvin in 1889, to the firmament of the fashion planet, restoring him success and notoriety."Thank you, Alber," reacted the brand to its Instagram account."He will have extended and enriched this line of creators who forged the legend of French elegance," commented President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday evening in a press release, praising "a creator who had French elegance shine throughthe world ".
At Lanvin, he affirms his style and his vision of fashion for women.A functional fashion that must accompany their bodies and enhance them."Women are more independent, they dare more.They do not depend on their husbands who give them a check to buy a dress.They also do not depend on a stylist.[…] A garment must accompany them.They want to move with it, to live with.The movement is essential for me, it is life, ”he said during an interview with L'Express magazine in 2008.
In 2015, he was ousted from the Lanvin house.A brutal departure for the creator, who will find it difficult to recover.In the following years, he is discreet, producing some collaborations here and there.He notably signed one for Tod's relating to bags and shoes and another with Converse.At the end of 2019, he joined forces with the Swiss Richemont to launch his own claw "Az Factory", which he wants "functional and suitable for everyone"." It's a new start.A digital luxury brand based on innovation and technology, but above all, a place to have experiences and try new ideas, "he said.A new start that turns short and leaves a world in mourning, a few months after the death of Kenzo, also died of COVVI-19.
"Alber Elbaz, the fine, wise and capricious designer who gave priority to women, left us after three weeks of fighting covid," the fashion pope of fashion, the American Suzy Menkes on Instagram."Tragic disappearance of Alber Elbaz, a great fashion designer and great artist, intensely attached to know-how, wanting innovation, of which he understood all the scope and the need.He had so much talent and also genius.Immense sadness, ”reacted on Twitter the executive president of the federation of haute couture and fashion, Pascal Morand.