• 18/08/2022
  • By binternet

Clotilde Courau (heroic): "It's excruciating to love and have to say stop"<

Clotilde Courau says herself: she blurs the tracks.This is surely why the Princess of Savoy likes to play comedy, to appear on stage, in the cinema or on television, sometimes in a stealth, other times more present, in comedies, dramas, films oflove...Take proof of 2021.The actress will appear in Haute Couture, the story of a suburban girl hired in the Dior workshops (she plays the depressive mother, social case hanging on her sofa), words of love, romance tainted by the disease of'Alzheimer's, or the courtyard, second film by Hafsia Herzi, after being playing with Benedetta, Dramatic Burlesque comedy by Paul Verhoeven on a lesbian nun embodied by Virginie Efira.On the television side, she is the casting of the missing police series, broadcast on France 2 in September, and Rebecca, soon on TF1.We, it is for the heroic of Maxime Roy, currently in the cinema, that we interviewed the elusive actress.In this drama on an addict that fights to get into the rank (inspired by his main and co-series actor François Créton), Clotilde Courau is Hélène, her ex, the mother of her baby who sets limits.In just a few scenes, the actress manages to make this role exist with moving power.Interview with passionate.

Pourquoi avoir dit "oui" aux Héroïques ?Clotilde Courau : Je ne sais pas pourquoi ils ont pensé à moi, mais après avoir lu le scénario et regardé le court-métrage Beautiful Loser de Maxime Roy, j'ai immédiatement voulu le rencontrer, avec François Créton.As I am very wild, that I have scrambled the tracks over the years, I felt that they were sniffing me.Except that I had the impression of meeting a new family and I told them.A lot of people around me are on the sidelines, I saw with this film the opportunity to pay tribute to all those who cross these lives, for whom it is difficult to be in reality until the day theyMeet tense hands.It is important to tell these atypical courses, to make them exist as Maxime highlights François.

Qui est Hélène, votre personnage ?Clotilde Courau : C'est une femme qui aime cet homme, Michel, mais qui ne peut plus vivre ce qu'il lui propose parce qu'il doit grandir, traverser ses propres épreuves.She cannot accept some of her behaviors, dangerous for him and for her.We did not know each other with François, but I must say that from the first meeting, there was no doubt for me.It was obvious and I would like the evidence to make this film to exist with the public.

Clotilde Courau (Les Héroïques) :

François Créton explique qu'avant une scène très forte entre vous, vous l'avez longuement pris dans vos bras…Clotilde Courau : Quand je tourne des scènes d'émotions, je fais souvent ça.It is a way of being together, to realize what we leave there when we look in the eyes.It is a way of binding to the other to say the subtext.This is what interests me elsewhere.I do not give importance to the number of scenes, to the length of the character.What speaks to me is what roles tell in the unsaid.

Après avoir vu le film, quelle impression vous a-t-il laissée ?Clotilde Courau : C'est un film lumineux, qui raconte les héroïques, pas seulement les toxicomanes, mais aussi tous ceux qui traversent des moments difficiles, qui parfois tombent, n'y arrivent plus, mais qui continuent leur route pour aller au bout de leur vérité.I love this film, which also talks about the difficulty of being a man, in the sense of human, and the transmission.

The heroic raises the question of what is bequeathed to his children and what we inherit from his parents. Ce sont des sujets qui vous taraudent ?Clotilde Courau : La mémoire transgénérationnelle est une matière hyper intéressante, fondamentale.Knowing where you come from knowing where you are going without creating blockages, sorrows, secrets, fears, reproductions, trauma..."Grandis", that means "take what you have to take from your parents, leave the rest".We can see in Michel that the father could not transmit confidence to his son, that he makes him carry the guilt of an absent mother.We did not go back above the character played by Richard Bohringer, but the grandfather may have had an even more traumatic story with a woman...

Faites-vous attention à ce que l'on vous a transmis et à ce que vous transmettez à vos deux filles ?Clotilde Courau : Chacun vit sa vie comme il en a envie, je ne suis ni moralisatrice ni secrète.And above all, I consider that there is not a truth, but truths.Life is a passage, it is offered to be soothed by time and for that, there is only one enemy, it is denial.Being "daughter of" asks me about the story of my mother, my grandmother, when being "mother of" questions me about how to get rid of the negative to transmit only the positive to my children.

Quel rôle joue votre métier de comédienne dans ces réflexions ?Clotilde Courau : Mon métier, c'est de la sociologie.Incarnate in a few days a character, give him body, give him life, that does not mean much like that, but it is to understand the foundation of things.Here was playing a powerful love and becoming a woman in front of someone who behaves like a child.She has no other choice than to tell her "I can no longer", it's excruciating and having to say "stop" and that's why she has this tired face.She is at the end, she no longer knows how to do.I had to give power, the violence that is played in it.Life as I live it is made of lots of trials and I draw from it.I don't feel like fun doing this.They don't see me much because I live.It is difficult to be an interpreter, you have to be visible, but you also have to live to remain authentic.

Comment choisissez-vous vos projets ?Clotilde Courau : Je suis très singulière, je peux aller autant dans la profondeur que la légèreté, mais mon exigence, c'est l'écriture.It's not miraculous, it's quite simple: I look at the quality of writing and the director.The person behind, who directs, is essential.I would not have done the heroic if Maxime Roy was not such a good director.It is rare to see a young director camera on the shoulder.

Etre quelqu'un de bien, ça veut dire quoi pour vous ?Clotilde Courau : Etre quelqu'un de bien, ça vient avec le fait d'être adulte.The question does not even arise and besides, I hate morality.Being someone good, you have to want it, you still have to be aware of what it is.It is difficult, all the more in a society where it is cheesy, where the gentiles think they are going to be crushed.I believe a lot in friendship and speech.When we give our word, we give value to what is most deeply human.The family is also essential, and if it is not the blood family, it is the family of heart.It's huge, it gives wings.I would like to teach my daughters this power, to try to understand, not to be afraid of his anxieties.And even if it is difficult to let go as a mother, to trust them completely.Fundamentally, deeply.Inculcate their family, speech ... especially in a world as lost as ours.