• 08/06/2022
  • By binternet

Near Rouen, go behind the scenes of Eureka Fripe, a global giant of vintage clothing<

The editorial staff of 76Actu offers a series of articles with behind the scenes and the operation of Rouen places and its agglo (Seine-Martime).First episode: Eurêka Fripe.

Par Isabelle Villy Publié le 76actu Voir mon actu

Behind the scenes.Here is what the writing of 76actu offers to discover, with a series of articles with behind the scenes of the Agglo de Rouen (Seine-Maritime).Have you ever noticed, on the road to Paris, in Amfreville-la-Mi-Voie, near Rouen (Seine-Maritime), this rather vintage brand, Eurêka Fripe, beyond which a small road leads to warehousesLocated on the edge of the Seine?A brand that does not look like much - as they say - but which corresponds to an activity which, it is quite in tune with the times and linked to fashion.

We were able to enter behind the scenes of this lair of clothing and accessories, a family business installed on this site since the 1990s. Since its creation, the Eureka Fripe has prospered to become one of the world leaders todayvintage textiles.

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Jusqu’à 4 000 tonnes de vêtements stockés sur 24 000 m2

Le site se déploie sur une impressionnante surface de 24 000 m2 où sont stockées de 3 500 à 4 000 tonnes de vêtements, ce qui représente entre 12 et 16 millions d’articles. « Nous recevons 50 tonnes de vêtements par semaine, qui repartent très vite », indique Éric Rey, directeur retail, entendez par là chargé du développement de l’activité et garant de la politique commerciale de l’entreprise, dirigée par Bernard Graf. Au moment où nous pénétrons dans cette caverne d’Ali Baba de la mode et du vêtement, ce dernier est justement là en train de prendre quelques photos. Il nous accueille d’un grand sourire et nous souhaite la bienvenue dans ce véritable labyrinthe où œuvrent près de 70 personnes.

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A whole range of trades

Près de Rouen, entrez dans les coulisses de Eurêka Fripe, géant mondial du vêtement vintage

And there is a whole range of trades at Eurêka Fripe: it is a real hive that works according to a well -oiled model.In the huge corridor which serves the vast rooms, we meet employees on their handling machines which allow them to transport the clothes of clothes from one point to another.A little further, others are busy sorting shirts, sweaters, coats ... A seamstress, which has evolved in the world of haute couture, customized a few pieces and operates some touch -ups ...

Elsewhere again, Johanna arises: she is part of the family of the founder of the company, she is the commercial of Eureka Fripe, an obviously essential element for the smooth running of the company.Her smile also says a lot about the pleasure she has to work in the middle of these tons of textiles ... and of course, in another part of the site, all the professions of accounting, marketing, receptionCustomers are represented.

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The merchandise arrives from all over the world

At the time of our visit, a container arrives to unload its tons of clothes on one of the quays provided for this purpose.“The merchandise comes from all over the world, it happens to us from the five continents.Our job is fashion, we work fashion… and we store: high -waisted jeans, clamps or elephant legs, ”explains Éric Rey, who knows that fashion is an eternal start and starting andThat this or that article out of date, will come back up to date at another time.You have to know how to wait ... and therefore store when the prices are attractive.

The clothes of the movie Mesrine come from Eurêka Fripe

But who then buys these tons of clothes, stored by categories and dispatched in the various parts of the warehouses?Eurêka Fripe is then available in two facets: as a wholesaler, the company receives customers who come to buy certain items here.But stylists and costume designers also cross the business threshold."For example, for the shooting of the film Mesrine, they came to buy here," says Éric Rey, who demonstrates all the interest of holding a stock of clothes and accessories that may seem to be in fashion but find all their interest in thistype of production.Real treasures in short!

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Retail, the other side of Eurêka Fripe

A well -established machine

Here we come back to the starting point: packaged and labeled clothing pallets are ready to be shipped to customers.At Eurêka Fripe, the machine is well established.Here, the famous formula "nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything transforms" makes sense and the family business is ultimately a virtuous model in terms of recycling and circular economy.

• Eureka Fripes, in pictures ...


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