• 09/06/2022
  • By binternet

Chanel, symbol of the luxury sector rebound<

Chanel presented his cruise collection in Dubai, Tuesday, November 2.The Haute Couture House scrolled through the half-season models imagined by its artistic director, Virginie Viard, during two successive events, by invitation."For the first time since the start of the pandemic, 800 people were able to attend this presentation," said Bruno Pavlovsky, president of Chanel and Chanel Sas fashion activities.

A month after the parade of the spring-summer 2022 collection held in Paris, in the great ephemeral palace of Champ-de-Mars, Tuesday October 5, during the Fashion Week, the Haute Couture brand chose theCity of the United Arab Emirates, whose universal exhibition is expected to attract 25 million people by March 31, 2022. Design.The Middle East represents a "key market for Chanel", underlines the manager.

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Dubai, whose real estate boom is carried by cosmopolitan billionaires, is a "platform" which attracts all types of customers "from Russia, Turkey and Lebanon".To date, observes Mr. Pavlosky, "Dubai is one of the only places in the world where a parade of this type can be organized in complete freedom", given "its good management of the pandemic" and openingFrom its borders to tourists.

Most signals are now green

Chanel, symbole du rebond du secteur du luxe

Les modèles Croisière de Chanel seront en vente sous peu dans les 200 magasins qu’exploite la marque à travers le monde. Le 7 décembre, autre défilé, autre lieu : à Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis), dans son nouvel immeuble 19M conçu par Rudy Riciotti, qui réunit plusieurs de ses ateliers et manufactures, sera présentée la collection Métiers d’art, dans laquelle Mme Viard met en lumière le savoir-faire des artisans Chanel, du chapelier Maison Michel, du brodeur Lesage et autres plumassiers, gantiers et plisseurs. Plusieurs centaines d’invités sont attendus.

Should we see the return to normal in the luxury sector, after the crisis opened in early 2020 by the emergence of the health crisis?Most signals are now green.Although the brand held by the brothers Alain and Gérard Wertheimer holds his financial results in the process of exercise, the president of Chanel specifies that those of 2021 will be "exceptional".In 2020, the company had suffered a fall in activity by 18 %, at $ 10.1 billion (8.3 billion euros).This year, its "growth will be two figures", notes Bruno Pavlovsky.Because, despite the absence of Asian tourists in Europe, local customers are back in all the countries where it is established.On June 15, Philippe Blondiaux, the group's financial director, had warned, in an interview with the Financial Times, that "Chanel sales should be 35 % higher than those of 2020".

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