• 26/08/2022
  • By binternet

Zebra print: 10 models to tame this trend of the season<

Si vous suivez les tendances mode, vous n'avez pas pu passer à côté. Depuis quelques saisons, les imprimés animaliers sont très présents dans notre penderie. Pour l'automne 2021, c'est le motif zèbre qui a la côte ! On vous l'accorde, il peut être difficile de savoir comment le porter sans avoir l'impression de se rendre à un safari. Pas d'inquiétude, le motif zèbre s'adapte sur toutes les morphologies et vous permet d'arborer un look pointu et qui ne manque pas de piquant ! Vous hésitez encore ? Voici tous nos conseils pour l'adopter ainsi que notre sélection shopping.Imprimé zèbre : 10 modèles pour dompter cette tendance de la saison Imprimé zèbre : 10 modèles pour dompter cette tendance de la saison

How to adopt the zebra motif in the fall of 2021

As with all so -called showing patterns, the ultimate tip is to choose only one room (or a accessory) for your outfit.It will constitute your strong room and you will build your look all around it.In the case of the zebra print, we advise you to set your sights on a jacket, a skirt, a top or even pants.And for the most daring: a dress!On the accessory side, it will be easier: shoes, handbags, sunglasses, headband, belt or even hats.

Bonus and not least: the black and white duo offers us almost total freedom.Note that it suits the pastel tones perfectly (powdery pink, lilac, sky blue...), very trendy during this period.You can also mix it with more frank colors such as bright red, fir green, mustard yellow or navy blue.

Imprimé zèbre : 10 modèles pour dompter cette tendance de la saison

If you are starting with the zebra print and are afraid of the fashion faux pas, we advise you to start with pants, a jacket or moccasins printed zebra zebra.Give them with united clothes for a perfect bcbg look!When you feel more confident, you can go to the tailor-pantalon, the faux fur coat or even with a printed bob!Everything is a question of dosage...

Finally, when you go into expert mode, it is time to mix the prints.Zebra with stripes, leopard, pea or even the floral motif.If you succeed in your bet, you will officially be part of the Carrie Bradshaw of this world!In any case, do not deprive yourself, because the zebra motif goes to all morphologies!The proof with our shopping selection below.

10 Emergency Shopper Printable Clothing

Ready to start ladies?Let's go !

1 - Oversize blouse zebra terracotta, Ulla Popken

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2 - Cardigan en maille fine & jacquard design zèbre, Ulla Popken

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3 - Moccasins in bites with wedge sole, Blancheporte

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4 - Short zebra coat, Camaïeu

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5 - Robe à manches ballons, H&M

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6 - Jupe tissu jacquard imprimé zèbre, H&M

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7 - Fluid zebra printed pants, Bonprix

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8 - Bamboo socks zebra motif, asos

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9 - 30 deniers printed zebra, asos printed

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10 - Leather boots with high heel and square end, asos

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Need even more advice and fashion selection?Here are 10 large new features for an inclusive fall!We also share 10 pairs of cannon tights for a warm winter.And finally, 10 handbags in the heart of the 2021-2022 trend.