• 03/10/2022
  • By binternet

Yellow vests: Macron reorients its policy towards purchasing power<

Emmanuel Macron announced several strong gestures Monday evening in response to the movement of "yellow vests", claiming to hear anger "just in many respects" and making a mea culpa on his controversial remarks which could "hurt ".

Increase of 100 euros in wages at the level of the Smic (activity bonus included), exemption from the increase in the CSG for retirees earning less than 2,000 euros per month, overtime paid "without taxes or charges": the Head of State announced several measures in the face of what he called "the state of economic and social emergency".

"Make a better living from your work"

"I ask the government and Parliament to do what is necessary so that people can make a better living from their work from the beginning of next year. 'a minimum wage worker will increase by 100 euros per month from 2019 without costing an extra euro for the employer,' he said during his televised "address to the Nation", without specifying the measure .

Overtime will be paid "without taxes or charges from 2019", as was the case under Sarkozy's five-year term. The President of the Republic also asked "all employers who can" to pay "an end-of-year bonus to their employees" which will also be tax-free and tax-free.

The Head of State also made a strong gesture to retirees, "a precious part of our Nation". "For those who receive less than 2,000 euros per month, in 2019 we will cancel the increase in the CSG suffered this year. The effort that was asked of them was too great and was not fair", he said. . Until then, only retirees earning less than around 1,200 euros were exempt.

Yellow vests: Macron redirects its policy towards purchasing power

On the other hand, Emmanuel Macron did not want to go back on the reform of the ISF, as claimed by many yellow vests, nor did he mention at this stage the financing of the measures announced. The European Commission has also expressed its "vigilance" on the respect of France's budgetary commitments.

"40 years of resurgent unease"

Emmanuel Macron said on Monday evening that he felt the anger of the "yellow vests" as "just in many respects" and was aware that it had "happened to him to hurt" some people with his words. Referring to "40 years of resurgent unease", the Head of State declared: "I know that I have hurt some of you by my words".

At the start of his speech, the Head of State condemned the "unacceptable violence" that punctuated the "yellow vests" movement, assuring that "this violence will not benefit from any indulgence".


The main announcements:

- SMIC: "the salary of a worker at the SMIC will increase by 100 euros per month from 2019 without costing an extra euro for the employer", announced the Head of State. This increase comes, by contribution from the State, in addition to the increase of 1.8% which was to take place next January. It was planned, but over the entire five-year period.

- The President of the Republic has also asked "all employers who can" to pay "an end-of-year bonus to their employees" which will also be tax-free and tax-free.

- Abolition from 2019 of the increase in the CSG suffered this year "for those who receive less than 2,000 euros per month". At present, only retirees earning less than around 1,200 euros were exempt.

- Overtime "without tax or charges from 2019". This measure had been put in place under Nicolas Sarkozy's five-year term.

- Fight against tax evasion: the leaders of large French companies will have to pay "their taxes in France".

- Taxation in France of large companies that make profits in France (allusion to the taxation of Gafa).

- Prime Minister Edouard Philippe will present these measures to the Assembly on Wednesday.

- Further corporate announcements are expected in the coming days, following a major corporate meeting.

- The announced national consultation will be extended to political representation, the voting system, taking into account the blank vote, the role of mayors, decentralization, organization of the State.

- We will have to "confront" the issue of immigration through a national debate.


4 mins
