• 06/02/2023
  • By binternet

The Johnson couple enjoy a vacation (strongly criticized) in Marbella<

Bojo and his Carrie wife flew to spend a week's vacation in Marbella in Spain.A highly criticized getaway while British companies are fighting against the outbreak of gas prices and lack of supply, but Downing Street still defends.

The Prime Minister and his wife would have visited this week to the famous seaside resort of the Costa del Sol with their son Wilf, 17 months old, who benefits from his first trip abroad before becoming a big brother.The spokesman of the British Prime Minister refused to reveal the place whereJohnson was taking his break, but reports suggested that he was spending his holidays in Marbella villa of the Minister of the Environment Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park.The couple offered this break in southern Spain after the conservative party conference, inaugurated by Bojo, in Manchester last week.

The time chosen for these holidays has been strongly criticized due to the current situation in the United Kingdom, when energy crisis, shortages of all kinds and flambé of gas prices are raging.The government is currently in talks with personalities from gas dependent on gas, who have warned the government against probable closures this winter.The situation is also under pressure due to the lack of truck drivers slowing the supermarket supply chains.In a recent report, the National Office of English Statistics said that almost one in six adults in Great Britain has not been able to buy essential food products in the past fifteen days.

A decision defended by the cabinet

Faced with many criticisms, Downing Street defended the Prime Minister.Prime Minister's official spokesman said he was continuing to work for the government, even during this rest period.Bojo would thus be "held regularly informed of current work to resolve the current problems related to fuel and supply chains".The latter would have even maintained by phone with the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.

Le coupleJohnson profite de vacances (vivement critiquées) à Marbella

"The Prime Minister continues to be in command as is still the case," said the spokesman."He has already made calls with the leaders and there will be others to follow.The representative added that he is in regular contact with the ministers, and that he continued to prepare for the COP26 approach.

Des ministres jugent ces vacances « raisonnables»» après l’année difficile passée parJohnson

Some ministers have defended the Prime Minister's decision to go on vacation.The Minister of the Interior, Damian Hinds, showed a step back on Sky News by asking "When is it, the right time?»».BorisJohnson lived a particularly busy year due to the management of the pandemic.The Secretary of State for Affairs, Kwasi Kwarteng, rejected criticism of the time chosen for the leave of M.Johnson.He considered that it was "reasonable" that the Prime Minister takes a vacation now, the deputies not having to return to Westminster before October 18, after the break of the House of Commons for the conferences of the parties.

Il a ajouté que BorisJohnson avait eu « un an et demi au cours duquel il a presque perdu la vie à cause du COVID»» et où « sa mère est décédée très tristement»» justifiant de fait sa décision de « faire une petite pause.»The previous attempt at M.Johnson de s'éloigner de Londres cet été avait été interrompue au bout d'un jour seulement.His return to Downing Street had to be precipitated following the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban. Un ministre conservateur a assuré que « les vacances de BorisJohnson sont importantes pour le pays tout entier»», estimant que le Premier Ministre britannique doit pouvoir « passer du temps en famille et faire une pause.»»

Holidays that do not pass by industrialists

Lundi, le directeur général de UK Steel, Gareth Stace, a réagi en jugeant que ce n’était « pas le moment»» pour BorisJohnson de prendre des vacances.Following the government's justifications, he said: "I'm sure he can take the phone and speak to them, but in my opinion, it's not time for a Prime Minister to be on vacation, from the point ofView of the steel sector.»» Inquiet, il a exhorté le chef du gouvernement à « réunir les ministres»» afin d’inviter que la crise industrielle ne se propage jusqu’à son secteur.

Critics are also heard in government

For the opposition, the Prime Minister's fall leave does not pass either. Anna Soubry, ancienne ministre conservatrice qui a quitté son poste de député en 2019 en raison de son opposition au Brexit, a déclaré sur Sky News que les vacances prises parJohnson n’étaient pas « acceptables»».On the news channel, she deplored that "the timing could not be worse.But it's as if he didn't care.It has a majority of 80 seats, and he thinks everything will be fine.»»

All are waiting for the government to react to the crisis

Les travaillistes ont, de leur côté, appelé le gouvernement britannique à « s’emparer de cette crise chaotique»». Trésor Pat McFadden, le ministre travailliste au Trésor a déclaré « ne pas se soucier»» de savoir si BorisJohnson était actuellement en vacances ou non et réclame seulement « une prise en main de la part du gouvernement.»» Sur la chaîne de radio LBC, l’ancien secrétaire d’État à estimé que le pays vivait un « moment critique»» se demandant « pourquoi le gouvernement reste les bras croisés et ne fait absolument rien pour le moment ?»» Le politicien a appelé le Premier Ministre à « prendre le contrôle et se rappeler que s'il ne fait rien, son ambition de renouvellement sera laissée en lambeaux.»»