• 14/05/2022
  • By binternet

Swore. Turmoil and serial attacks on the Arbois festival committee<

By Christophe BelhommePublished on
Voice of the Jura
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What's going on at the Arbois festival committee? Obviously the transition between the new and the old team went rather badly. Last year, President Geneviève Jouvenot gave way to Sophie Sebben. But not everything went exactly as planned for Geneviève Jouvenot, who was to take over the brotherhood of Paisseaux.

Geneviève Jouvenot resigned this year from her position as administrator of the festival committee, soon to be imitated by the treasurer, Véronique Vincent.

"I'm being put in the way"

For her husband Robert Jouvenot, a resigning member of the office, the treasurer did not have access to the keys to the premises and to the accounts of the association. "It's wrong. She actually resigned by mail but I don't know why,” says Sophie Sebben.

Today, Robert Jouvenot attacks and is surprised in a letter by the non-holding of the general meeting: “it is the body where we ratify the balance sheets and decide on the orientations of or future years. It must be held in the first six months of the following year, unless there is a special dispensation, which was done in 2020, the limit having been set at September 30”. Jura. Des remous et des attaques en série au comité des fêtes d'Arbois

The GA postponed due to covid

Sophie Sebben justifies the absence of a general assembly by covid and assures that it will be held well before the end of the year, probably at the end of September: "I have not been president for a year but we are in the nails. I'm new, I'm getting my bearings and I have a job that keeps me busy. Mr Jouvenot, when he left, did not leave any document”.

Jura. Des remous et des attaques en série au comité des fêtes d'Arbois

Robert Jouvenot, he wonders: “We could organize it at the start of the year. Who validated the balance sheets, in particular financial, for 2020? They did not discuss the directions taken.

The new outfits are debating

Because it is recent decisions that worry him. First, the change of outfit of the Brotherhood of Paisseaux. "The president has pulled out of her hat to decide on this change, resulting in a substantial expense," says Robert Jouvenot. He regrets that there is no more traditional dress (dresses for men with feathered hats, collarettes and aprons, Franche-Comté outfits for women). Sophie Sebben indicates that the decision was voted by the office unanimously.

Robert Jouvenot stresses that this vote was “bogus”. "We couldn't even read the report." He highlights the high cost of the fabric and regrets that the purchase was made outside of Arbois.

“There is no longer any fabric trade in Arbois”, retorts Sophie Sebben, who specifies that it was the seamstresses of the association who subsequently made the costumes on a voluntary basis. “The expense is €1,000 with hooks and threads, we went as close as possible”.

Another reproach: the purchase of equipment from the ex-MJC "supposedly in a hurry", the acquisition of a new printer and a credit card from a bank. Sophie Sebben explains that it is for practical reasons.

Disputes around the latest inductions

Finally, the latest enthronements at the Paisseaux do not please Robert Jouvenot because, according to him, it would be necessary to favor important local personalities with responsibilities (president of the viticulture society or of the CIVJ) rather than individuals. "It was never done on an individual basis except for the best workers in France," he says. "We have inducted Jacques Tissot and Marianne Meunier. They are renowned personalities from Arbois. In theory, we should induct a tourist and a local personality, but we don't see them too much nowadays", retorts Sophie Sebben.

Conclusion of Sophie Sebben: "Mr Jouvenot wanted to stay in the association and keep a certain stranglehold". Robert Jouvenot indicates him: “Sophie Sebben receives advice from her “mentors” and violates the fundamental rules of associations”.

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