• 11/09/2022
  • By binternet


Alors que nous venons de tourner la page d’une année qui n’aura pas été de tout repos, une fois de plus marquée par le spectre d’une pandémie – qui se plaît à jouer les troubles fêtes – revenons sur les bouleversements qui ont perturbé l’industrie. En 2021, aller voir un long-métrage aura de nouveau été compliqué : après une seconde fermeture des salles, qui aura duré jusqu’en Mai, les exploitants ont dû faire face à des impératifs tels que le couvre-feu, l’instauration de jauges sans oublier l’instauration du Pass Sanitaire. De nombreuses perturbations qui auront freiné l’économie et la fréquentation, qui ont mis du temps avant de reprendre des couleurs.SeriesDeFilms SeriesDeFilms

Despite a context that has not always been pink, the moviegoers we are still returned little by little squatter the rooms and we did not hesitate to take a look at the films offered by the different platforms ofStreaming - Something to quench our thirst for seventh art.So, as usual, Seriesdefilms gives you carte blanche to come and talk about your favorites and your disappointments on the site.End of the year obliges, this December issue acts as a balance sheet, the opportunity for you dear readers to tell us about your tops and flops of 2021.

What feature films viewed this year are part of your favorites and on the contrary what are those who have been disappointments for you?Let's discover a little anthology of your opinions!

While generally, a limited number of productions are cited in the rankings, certain works directly finding a place in the hearts of the public and criticism, this year is clear that there is no real consensus,What is found in your opinions in particular, where few films have been able to stand out - whether in tops and flops.

Let's start this special issue with the words of blogger Sacriledge, faithful to the section, who returns for a moment in December before telling us about her 2021 podium.

I am already touching a word about December 🙂 The month of December was a very good month and I had trouble deciding.Incant, all on stage 2, Spider-Man, the calendar ... and I haven't seen everything yet!I finally chose human things.Yvan Attal with controllers, featuring his son and wife for the second time at the same time, we felt that it was powerful.Human things is human tragedy, an accusation of rape for which one cannot know who lies.Or rather we cannot know the share of consent, to "please", just to feel overwhelmed by events, on the part of the two parties, to judge.And even if the trial must be Manichean, the film is not.This is what makes it its strength.It is also appreciable to see how he managed to turn the elements with objectivity, even though it is more and more complicated to approach the subject without part taken.

And if I had to choose a top 3 over the year:

  1. DuneJ’avais lu les livres, vu l’ancien film et étais prête à découvrir ce remake qui colle parfaitement à l’ambiance voulue par l’auteur. On ne s’ennuie pas une seule seconde (bien que le film soit long je n’ai pas vu le temps passer) mais on a tout de même le temps d’apprécier et de respirer ce désert brûlant. Je ne suis pas fan de Chalamet d’habitude mais il sied très bien au rôle de Paul. Le film a su s’arrêter avant la fin du premier livre et j’espère qu’on pourra assister aux suites au cinéma.
  2. House of GucciAvec un casting bien réfléchi (même si Jared Leto semble encore coincé dans la peau du Joker vu le personnage qu’il joue), ce film était vraiment appréciable. Ridley parvient presque à me faire oublier que j’attends la fin de la trilogie entamée avec Prometheus. Presque. Ayant beaucoup de respect pour la personne qu’est Lady Gaga c’est avec joie que je l’ai retrouvée sur grand écran, avec un sens des couleurs et du design du film (décors et costumes compris) qui mettent en valeur toute l’histoire, bien qu’abracadabrantesque de la famille. Même si le film reste long (2h40) on ne s’ennuie pas vraiment.
  3. OldSignes étant mes préférés et je ne me lasse pas de les revoir). Le film est réalisé à la perfection, avec des plans somptueux et une intrigue qui tient la route et maintient l’intérêt pendant toute la durée du long-métrage. Je regrette toutefois la bande-annonce qui en dévoile bien trop et fait tomber à plat des scènes comme des dialogues. Si vous pouvez éviter de voir la BA avant, vous n’en apprécierez que mieux le film.


Wishing to devote herself only on the positive, Elise, who takes for the first time in the section, told us her top 5 of the year, sharing with us the elements that made her say that what she saw in the'screen was incredible.

Hello everyone, what year isn't it?Hopefully 2022 rhymes with hope, because we need it.In any case, level emotions we were served, whether in real life or in the cinema.A escape that personally did me the greatest good, feeling shelter from the outside world in this bubble that represents the cinema room.Here is the list of feature films that moved me, made laugh, in short who turned me up during their discovery.

Now let's move on to disappointments, a register in which Adrien has a lot to say if we are based on his opinion decided on a few films released this year.

For my part, despite a few works that died lately (I think of the event, the last duel) I must say that very few films have thrilled this year - to my big regret.So I'm going to come back to my 2021 flop, with what for me was the worst of what I saw in theaters.

As for Cécile, from the Pamolico blog, another regular participant in the section, the latter returns with us to the feature film which will have marked her year of filmphilia: Julie (in 12 chapters).

[…] Joachim Trier takes up the immemorial theme of the love trio, dresses a reflection on the generational ditch, anchor in current Norwegian society and takes the opportunity to film with Talent Oslo and its particular light.So he returns to subjects closer to him and his daily life after playing with the fantastic in his previous achievements.

The tragic of human existence, the "melancholy" of the protagonist sometimes leave rays of sassy humor illuminating the feature film and offering it a more just tone.Feminist, Julie (in 12 chapters) is above all by her resolutely modern portrait of an hesitant thirty -something but full of life, struggling with her paternal lack of figure, her difficulty in engaging when the relationship becomes more complex, toto make choices.Renate Reinsve accurately embodies this heroine not without faults, gives her thickness and insolence: in reality, she helped build this tailor-made character, to establish Julie's psychology.This allowed her to know this fictitious young woman on her fingertips and undoubtedly put her on the path of the palm of the best female interpretation of the Cannes Film Festival, which she finally won.[…]

Complete criticism to read here: https: // Pamolico.WordPress.com/2021/10/12/Julie-en-12-Chapitres-Joachim-Trier/

Finally, let's finish with Clémence, who wanting to close this chapter 2021 on a good note, told us about an animated film that spreads good waves and gives a smile (a point that we can confirm).

Happy New Year to all, hoping that we can see this glimmer of hope that is so long in coming since the appearance of you savez-quoi.

First time I try the exercise but I start, I will try to make a mini report of my favorite of the year, discovered a few months ago.

A great lover of animation cinema, I simply loved the Mitchell against the machines, a small nugget that we owe to the tandem Phil Lord/Chris Miller, who ensure production level, entrusting their new baby to the duo Michael Rianda/JeffRowe.The association of these talents results in an overwhelming feature film which spins at 100km/h on the Route du Route.Incredible creativity, this comedy, looking like a action film, rests on the pastiche of disasters blockbusters to which a beautiful story is grafted on the breakdown of the family circle.While Witty, the daughter of the siblings is preparing to leave the nest to flourish at the university, an Apocalypse 2.0 comes to put a fatal brake on his plans for the future.In the middle of a road trip with his parents and his brother our young adult will have to reconnect to his loved ones, in particular his father, to hope to find a solution to this little problem of robotic invasion which prevents him from treading the door of the'film school that foots him.Funny, frantic, without dead and moving, the Mitchell against the machines is worth the detour and deserves to be seen.For those who haven't done it yet, know that if Sony Pictures has sold the film to Netflix, it will be released in physical format in a very short time!

Thank you for your participation!If other people want to add their opinions, no worries, send them to me by email to the following address: seriesdefilms@hotmail.com and you will be added to the article.

You can leave either your name/first name or your nickname with your opinion/criticism, so people will be able to recognize you!

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Publié le 3 par SeriesDeFilmscinémaPublié dans cinéma Marqué #2021, Avis, cinéma, Coup De Coeur, Déceptions, featured, Public