• 19/06/2022
  • By binternet

Seine et Marne.Historical merchant of Melun, Michel Barchou is looking for a buyer<

By editorial staff published La République de Seine et marne see my news

For 26 years, Michel Barchou has been hosting his customers in his press point, located 33 rue Pouteau, in Melun (Seine-et-Marne).And even during successive confinements, customers were able to find their door open.

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"We mainly do press, the French games, but also stationery since there is no more paper maker in Melun, insists Michel Barchou.If someone wants notebooks, pens, pencils, here we can find them, we are the last.»»

Going to retire

Like all businesses, it was faced with the difficulties linked to the health crisis, with a nuance: Mag Presse did not benefit from the support of the State implemented from the start of the 1st confinement.‘We didn't have any aids since we were open ... but only in the morning for the newspapers, because in the afternoon, there was really no one in the streets," he recalls.

But the merchant, although with slow activity, could not benefit from it because he achieved more than 50 % of his turnover.If he has not noted any change in the habits of his customers, he sees customers return more numerous.

Seine-et-Marne. Commerçant historique de Melun, Michel Barchou cherche un repreneur

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"It is complicated to work under these conditions, masked and with a limited number of people in the store," he admits.Four customers can be found simultaneously in the store ... A situation that can cause a waiting period and frustration: "We can't wait to find the conditions before.»»

Yet Michel Barchou also thinks about the future and plans to retire."Here, there has always been a newspaper merchant, so I appeal to find a person looking for a press in the city center and in addition to a pedestrian street," he said.On the evolution of Melunais shops, he believes that it would take greater diversity.

"Many new businesses are adapting to the population, which makes us lower," he claims.Suddenly, customers buy more and more on the internet.Those who stay in the city center are not necessarily the wealthiest.»»

Attract customers

The choice of future brands is also important: "Large brands like Jules have left in shopping centers when they affect much more population," he claims.In addition, the owners have little adapted to rents to the economic situation, this is problematic.»»

Melunais for 65 years, Michel Barchou is one of the oldest Melunaise families: his great-grandfather was fuel seller and his wife's father held Place Saint-Jean pharmacy.Once his retirement has been taken, he should stay in town: "I have always lived on Melun, so there are chances that I stay there.

Renseignements Mag Presse, 33 rue René Pouteau, tel : 01 64 52 08 33.

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