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Paimpol tennis tournament: a stunning mathieu perres<

Par Rédaction PaimpolPublié lemis à jour le 12 Août 21 à 14:20
La Presse d'Armor
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Avec près de 180 participants, le tennis-club de Paimpol a connu une très belle édition pour son tournoi open. Après une finale dame expéditive, les hommes ont fait durer le suspense.Tournoi de tennis de Paimpol : un Mathieu Perres renversant Tournoi de tennis de Paimpol : un Mathieu Perres renversant

With very few concerns related to the weather, the Paimpol tennis-club closed the 2021 edition of its open tournament.

With the policy for two years to welcome only 170 players, they were finally a little more to try their luck.

Perfs of the week

Besides, it is in women that there were the biggest surprise.Indeed, Agathe burns Toujon (15/2), from Ate Loudéac, climbs to the final with a victory at 15/1 before getting rid of Nirina the campion (3/6) seed number in two sets1.

Unfortunately the final is one -sided.She bowed to Marie Fairier from TC Broons (5/6).The latter will have played two finals.After the female final, she put on her referee costume to officer on the man final.

At the end of the suspense

In men, as last year, it was the same final between Quentin Coulaud (TC Quimperlé -2/6) and Matthieu Perres (TC Wissous, 0).

Tournoi de tennis de Paimpol : un Mathieu Perres renversant

If the first had won the tournament 4 times, he announced before the start of the match wanting to stop his player career.

He starts the meeting with a copy and paste from last year's final where he won the first set 6/0 and leads 1 to 0 in the second.

The look

But the physique begins to make its own.Matthieu Perres seems better and better and finally enters his final.

Despite this, the TC Quimperlé resident offers three game balls.

From then on, the final switch.Matthieu Perres manages to erase them in a beautiful way and completely reverses the trend.


By winning the second set 7/5, the cards are rebatted.It was ultimately the physical that made the difference.

"When I lead 4 to 1 in the 3rd, it starts to crawle.He tried to play it into the intoxication when there was a drop of rain.But I stayed in my match.It is very rewarding to win this kind of match and especially to take revenge.»»

The Paimpolaise succession

If Ila Conan achieves a beautiful route by offering herself a 3/6 perf, the palm goes to the youngest.

First Emilio Troadec who wins the tables of 11-12 years and 13-14 years old.The surprise comes from young girls with Claire Plouzen who won in 15-16 years old girls by making 3 perfs, excuse little!

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