• 28/05/2022
  • By binternet

Notre-Dame School: the costume box becomes a work tray La Voix du Sud et l'Hebdo régional<

Company. The service of the costume box, which until recently was under the responsibility of the Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi des Etchemins, became a work platform and will have its place on the street at the École Notre-Dame de Lac-Etchemin.

At the beginning of this school year, the heads of the special class of adult clients with intellectual disabilities, located at the elementary school of Lactchemin, came up with the idea of acquiring part of the costume box lot, and then creating a small business that would at the same time serve as a work platform where this clientele could develop new skills.?

Teacher Benofanie Turmel and her colleague Caroline Turcotte, a specialist educator, point out that participants will be involved at several levels, including the washing of costumes, the organization of the shop, the reception of customers and the receipt of payments. Some will even be called upon to act as models for the taking of photographs that will be used as promotional tools internally or in the company's catalogues.

"we were looking for an idea to start a work set and towards the end of the school year, either in May or June, we knew that the costume box equipment was for sale. There were almost 1,000 items, but it was way too much for our needs. We decided to start with 300, "said the two interveners.

École Notre-Dame : la Boite à costumes devient un plateau de travail La Voix du Sud et L'Hebdo Régional

They state that the purchase of this equipment was financed in part by the operating budget of their class, the rest coming from the school management and from money raised over the years by the sale of items made as part of the Lac-Etchemin Christmas market.

Those who want to rent costumes for the next Halloween party can go there. The premises are located in the basement of the school and can be accessed through entrance P11, near the child care service.

The service will be available on October 15 and 22 from 1: 00 p.m. to 6: 30 p.m., October 23 from 9: 00 a.m. to 4: 00 p.m., October 28 from 1: 00 p.m. to 6: 30 p.m. and on October 29 from 1: 00 p.m. to 6: 00 p.m. if the activities of the small shop are currently focused on Halloween, the possibility of extending costume rental to other parties and occasions is not ruled out.

The participants of the special class, which reports directly to the Adult Education Centre in Saint-Prosper and Sainte-Justine, have also been given the mandate to prepare a journey of horror for primary school students on October 29.

Remember that this special class, which has existed for nearly 25 years, brings together about thirty students between the ages of 21 and 80 coming from the four corners of the MRC des Etchemins. They are divided into groups of 17 or 18 participants and activities are held from Tuesday to Friday.

Some of them spend their time between work (such as the atelier du Lac) and the classroom where they develop various daily life skills such as cooking, personal accounting, computer skills or relationships with others, whether they are friends or lovers.