• 04/06/2022
  • By binternet

Newsletter LeFaso.net New electoral code: Sayouba Traoré responds in the United States of America<

Excellence ladies and gentlemen, ambassadors,

First of all, I have to confess personal insufficiency.If I am comfortable with the Burkinabè speaking, if I know how to manage with the French, the official language of my country, I hardly handle the English language.Logical consequence, I must rely on others to know that "for the United States," the modifications made to the code seem incompatible with the democratic principles of freedom of expression, freedom of association, andFree, fair and peaceful elections. "

And when the US State Department says "we urge the transitional government, civil society and other actors who have contributed to the defense of these democratic principles to use a coordinated, consensual and inclusive approach in conductElections. ", This calls the following remarks on the part of a Burkinabè.Please, I beg you, don't offend you.

Excellence ladies and gentlemen, ambassadors,

The history of the American people gives to think.This is an inexhaustible subject of study.The struggle of minorities in this great country is a sparkling example for us Africans today.And when you look at the American Constitution, you can only be admiring.A page !Some articles!And it crossed the ages.And when we see the functioning of the institutions from this American constitution, we respect the genius of men.

President Bill Clinton was very high in the polls.It cannot be said that the American people did not like this man.But he had exhausted his two terms that the American Constitution granted him.He gave way.Likewise for President Obama who knows that he must leave the White House and give way to someone else.Apart from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, all of the American heads of state respected this rule.We do not know of an American president who did forty years in Washington.

Excellence ladies and gentlemen, ambassadors,

Newsletter LeFaso.net Nouveau code électoral : Sayouba Traoré répond aux Etats-Unis d’Amérique

France is the country of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.And that, by two edifying episodes.The first, following the revolution of 1789. In these dark times when humanity is not united by technology and globalization, in these agitated times when men find normal to own and sell other men, aCenacle meets and has the incredible courage to write and proclaim that "all men are born free and equal in rights".Lightning!Second highlight, in the aftermath of the Second World War.The ashes of the conflict are not yet cooled, we have not finished treating the "broken mouths", which men have the insane audacity to repeat: "All men are born free and equal in rights".And they don't just say.They are fighting so that it happens!

Excellence ladies and gentlemen, ambassadors,

Understand us!In any case try to understand us!We follow the news in your different countries.We see, and we live what is going on by proxy.So think!The French and the Americans change their president, simply because the people decided by their vote!Change president, simply because we no longer want the old one, and we prefer someone else at the Palais de l'Elysée, put another president at the White House simply because it isis the law that says it, it makes you dizzy!

Understand the vertigo that seizes us, because it is still singular to see that a man, a social group, an entire community, may have suffered from exclusion over the centuries, without however understanding other peoples suffering from the same ills.

Understand the vertigo that seizes us, because it is still worrying to see men of experience establish institutional comfort in their homeland, and remain unable to understand the tireless quest for freedom of other peoples.

Excellence ladies and gentlemen, ambassadors,

For decades, power has applied to confiscate any hope in our country.In 1990, women and men, coalized in a confederation of democratic forces, fought to have a constitution.In June 1991, we obtained the vote of this constitution.The continuation will teach us that the law alone is not enough.Men who can implement it.This is why we were traded by constitutional revisions in compromises, faked elections in political assassinations, until October 2014. Your diplomatic performances were able to follow these different "live" developments.

Excellence ladies and gentlemen, ambassadors,

I beg you to believe me, the Burkinabè people is not a vindictive people.He has no particular merit in this.It was our ancestors who bequeathed us a culture with well -oiled cogs.We know that every man is programmed to fault.This is why our ancestors have planned social mediation mechanisms.We know how to dissolve resentments to be able to move forward.But that doesn't mean accepting anything from anyone.

We are like all peoples on this planet Earth.When a Burkinabè has merit, we applaud in unison.And as everywhere, when a Burkinabè is guilty of forfeiting, we know that a sanction is needed.

Excellence ladies and gentlemen, ambassadors,

Je me dois de reprendre ici la parabole de Jésus sur la dîme. Celui qui a un million de dollars et qui donne cent dollars donne moins que celui qui a deux dollars et donne un dollar. Vos pays ont des budgets gigantesques. Quand un fonctionnaire chez vous vole 1000 euros, il fait moins de mal que le fonctionnaire burkinabè qui vole 1000 euros sur un budget de 1.500 euros. Vous voyez donc, Excellence ladies and gentlemen, ambassadors, quand je vous demande humblement de bien vouloir accepter de nous comprendre. Le ressenti ne peut pas être le même.

Excellence ladies and gentlemen, ambassadors,

"A coordinated, consensual and inclusive approach in the conduct of the elections" is what we claimed for 27 long years.This is precisely what was refused during these 27 long years.

Have the term "Toukguili" translated and you will understand what these women and men have subjected to their own people.In Europe and America, such people would be automatically placed in detention.

You are powerful.Your words weigh heavy in this world.Do not ask us to look at our torturers as men of all probity with whom we can compose without worry!We don't exclude anyone.But we exclude practices that we no longer want to live.

Sayouba Traorerérivain-Journalist