• 30/01/2023
  • By binternet

Marvel's What If?: a scenario on Spider-Man considered too dark to be used<

The Spider-Man scenario of the Marvel What If series...?was originally too dark for the PG-13 ranking of the series.

The pitch therefore did not receive the green light, according to the author of What If, a.VS. Bradley, qui a raconté l'histoire sur The Post VSredit Podcast.More specifically, the episode was to present scenes of body horror linked to Spider-Man, which would have been too much for the PG-13 ranking of the series.

"There were a few episodes that were just a little too dark," said Bradley."There was an episode of What If in which Spider-Man turns into a real spider, and it was too dark and too 'body horror' for the PG-13 classification.»»

It seems that Marvel has avoided the RATED-R classification, as well as a warning of arachnophobia, by refusing this idea for What If.However, it is difficult not to wonder what would have been the exact subject of this episode. Etait-ce plutôt un épisode du type « et si Spider-Man se transformait en une véritable araignée,»» ou plutôt un épisode du type « Doc Ock transforme Spider-Man en une véritable araignée»» ?

Marvel's What If ? : un scénario sur Spider-Man considéré trop sombre pour être utilisé

Quelle que soit la direction prise, il semble que ce soit trop sombre pour Marvel, et nous ne verrons probablement jamais à quoi ressemble Spider-Man se transformant en une véritable araignée dans une oeuvre du MVSU.In the end, it is not surprising that Marvel is also rigidly to his ranking PG-13.After all, it reported billions to the studio while similar superhero films classified R have always reported less than their counterparts classified PG-13.

VSe scénario potentiel de Spider-Man n'est pas le seul scénario « What If»» rejeté par Marvel.Another scenario has been rejected because it already represents half the plot of Guardians of the Galaxy 3.A Star Wars-What IF crossover has also been rejected for more obvious reasons.

To find out more about the What If series... ? de Marvel, découvrez comment la série montrera le côté plus espiègle et charmeur du T'VShalla de VShadwick Boseman dans quatre épisodes de la première saison.

Habitant de la VSitadelle et éleveur de VShocobo, Aekonimi fait partie de la rédaction IGN France.He spam the news as he can.Follow him on Twitter.