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Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia monstrous for Halloween: even Leewane was entitled to his costume<

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1/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween
Par FL

Jessica et Thibault des Marseillais se sont donnés à fond pour Halloween et ont assorti leurs effrayants costumes avec ceux de leurs jeunes enfants, Maylone et Leewane...Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia monstrueux pour Halloween : même Leewane a eu droit à son costume Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia monstrueux pour Halloween : même Leewane a eu droit à son costume

Bouh!Like every year, the Marseillais celebrate great Halloween pump and in 2021, the Garcia family has once again been outpatched.Jessica and her husband Thibault (currently on the antenna of W9 in the Marseillais vs the rest of the world season 6) decided to opt for a scary disguise...and family.Indeed, the former southerners now residing in Dubai, dressed in pirate-zombies costumes more real than life!Hats, skulls, hook...All the paraphernalia of the perfect corsairs was there.

But that's not all because the spouses also match their offspring to their hellish looks.Thus, Maylona, the couple's first child, was grown in adorable little pirate.Even Leewane, the daughter of the happy parents born last August after a difficult pregnancy, was adorned with her most beautiful attire during the party.On Instagram, Thibault and Jessica shared with their millions of subscribers some pictures of this magical night.In the photos, it is clear that the influencers have put the package!

Top Marseillais for Halloween

Among the big family of Marseillais, Jessica and Thibault are not the only ones to have disguised themselves in disturbing creatures.Maeva Ghennam also unveiled images of her where she appears monstrous in the living dead.Benjamin Samat and his partner Maddy Burciaga have also played the game thoroughly by appearing on the networks made up in terrible demons.You could also count on the Marine and Océane El Himer twins to terrify their subscribers by putting intriguing outfits and wigs...but always sexy.Can not wait for next year !

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2/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia et leur fils Maylone
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3/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Maylone et sa petite-sœur Leewane
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4/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica Thivenin et ses enfants
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5/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia se sont déguisés pour Halloween
© Instagram
6/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Thibault Garcia et son fils
© Instagram
7/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia le jour de la naissance de Leewane
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8/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica Thivenin a connu des grossesses difficiles
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9/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia se sont déguisés en pirates-zombies
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10/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia ont aussi déguisé leurs enfants
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11/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Les enfants de Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia étaient en pirates comme leurs parents
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12/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Toute la famille était dans le même thème
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13/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia sont mariés depuis plusieurs années
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14/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica Thivenin
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15/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica et Thibault
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16/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Thibault
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17/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia vivent à Dubaï
© Instagram
18/18 - Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia fêtent Halloween Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia sont très complices
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    Anonyme3986262Le 04/11 à 21:21

    Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia monstrueux pour Halloween : même Leewane a eu droit à son costume

    Decrepitude, caricatures of reality TV

    10RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3986997Le 05/11 à 09:28

    Exactly, a good book on the excesses of reality TV: "Children are kings" by Delphine de Vigan.

    10 Signaler un abus
    AnonymeLe 04/11 à 19:58

    pfff.who are these people who do nothing of their life and yet gathered as much money..its allows her to redo her face....bright future....berk

    40RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3985635Le 04/11 à 18:26

    Illustrious unknown

    21RépondreSignaler un abus
    Anonyme3985596Le 04/11 à 18:08

    I am always stunned to see bullshit as well rewarded and having enriched so many improbable people.That young people have chosen this type of people to idolize and thus promote their prosperity, that escapes me.But so much the better for them and too bad for good taste...They have beautiful children to say something friendly.

    40RépondreSignaler un abus