• 26/09/2022
  • By binternet

Haute-Marne: give back a second life of furniture<

Durée de la vidéo :2 min.
Article rédigé par
France 3 Champagne-Ardenne, C.Meunier, A.Trespeux, E.Mansuy - France 3
France Télévisions
Édition du samedi 8 mai 2021

En Haute-Marne, des travailleurs en situation de handicap donnent une seconde vie aux meubles abimés ou démodés, avant de les revendre.Haute-Marne : redonner une seconde vie des meubles Haute-Marne : redonner une seconde vie des meubles

Haute-Marne : redonner une seconde vie des meubles

Chairs should have finished at the recycling center, but workers of the establishment and work assistance services (ESAT) of fruits (Haute-Marne) will give them a second youth.Employees are all people with disabilities.The creative recycling workshop allows them to put their numerous knowledge knowledge into practice.

Ten workers who develop their skills

Supervised by two monitors, the ten workshop workers participate in the entire creation process and then the furniture, once revamped, are offered for sale.The important thing, however, is not to make a profit, it is the training that prevails."Everyone has their own skills, after we try to run them, so that they are more or less versatile, that they can put together skills," explains Tristan Coots, workshop instructor.A restaurant in the commune of Chaumont has just opened its doors, and the chef called on ESAT de Froncles to furnish his establishment.

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