• 15/05/2022
  • By binternet

GameSpot Friday 'Nite: Fortnite Fans Think They've Found The Final Seven Members<

Ask any story-driven Fortnite fan which of the game's many nagging questions tickle their brain the most, and they'll likely bring up The Seven, the game's masked men and women. been portrayed as the heroes of the ongoing battle against the Imagined Order (although I wonder if we can trust their leader, the Foundation). Crumpe Friday ‘Nite : les fans de Fortnite pensent avoir trouvé les derniers membres des sept

The last time we met anyone new to The Seven was The Foundation themselves during the Zero Crisis Finale, and he was the fourth member of the group to be revealed, following The Visitor, The Scientist and The Paradigm. This means that today, almost a year after this reveal, we still haven't met the rest of the all-important group. But Fortnite fans think they may have spotted the three heroes remaining hidden in plain sight.

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Their smoldering weapon isn't that smoky, but the theory isn't that far-fetched either. their interest in the original characters released as in-game skins. It's from this second category that players believe Epic left evidence of some major character reveal.

Among dozens of other character concepts shared with survey respondents, three stood out the most in particular. As Fortnite's top content creators shared the images, fans began to wildly speculate. The Origin and The Sisters, the supposed end members of The Seven, often mentioned but yet to be seen? Epic doesn't say, but the breadcrumbs reveal even more intrigue.

The idea is that the two characters on the left in the image tweeted above represent The Origin, whose name we only know from dataminers. They haven't been officially introduced to the story yet, but each of the rocky totems present in Sanctuary, The Seven's headquarters on the Chapter 3 map, are assigned to a particular member of The Seven. One of them belongs to a hero named The Origin, while two others, closer than the rest, are attributed to the Sisters. We only know all of this from the game's PC files which are regularly dissected as a lab experiment by the game's insomniac fandom.

Crumpe Friday ‘Nite : les fans de Fortnite pensent avoir trouvé les derniers membres des sept

Fans have hinted that the two armored twin-like figures above may be the sisters, as their armor is no different than what the seven wear. They have very different color palettes than the rest. of the band armor, but these would-be sisters still bear some marks of their band membership. For example, they are covered head to toe in their armors (without helmets, which we can assume exist if they are what we think they are), which can be an important part of The Seven's standard outfit, since they're so often traveling through space and time. Some accents, like their broad shoulders, their lined midsection and intricate layers, also seem to match The Seven's style.

Oddly enough, their armor also doesn't look all that different from that of The Cube Queen, history's most fearsome villain we've encountered to date. a bath” when the island of Apollo turned around and revealed Artemis. Could the Sisters be her daughters? What does this suggest if some of the supposed heroes may be the offspring of the most big known threat? A look at the apparent character of Origin may also fit this line of thinking.

If this is The Origin, questions immediately spring to mind: why do his hands and head emit cube-like energy when everyone agrees the cubes are the evil faction? overall story? Why does the metal around his neck so closely resemble that of The Cube Queen's crown, as well as The Storm King's horns? What is the connective tissue that holds all these characters together? seemingly disparate like this? Most oddly, why is he shown in what looks like an IO prisoner outfit in the second image? Is he being held captive? as a Prisoner? Heck, while we're here, why is he blue? There are so many questions with so few answers.

Her seemingly close ties to The Cube Queen coupled with her name seem to hint at some startling revelations. Was The Cube Queen once seen as a force for good, who may have been corrupted by the Cube Legion, much like us saw it happen to Raz in Chapter 2, Season 6? Did The Cube Queen and The Origin create The Seven to go their separate ways later, or maybe The Seven is the coalition that formed following The Cube Queen's fateful turn to a darker side of the Fortnite omniverse?

Naturally, the problem with going wild with these theories is that they cannot be proven at this time, no matter how many dots we think we can reliably connect. Maybe just that: concepts never to see the light of day. As Hypex says above, we may not even be considering two distinct sisters, but two similar concepts of the same character. is perhaps just a design that Epic is toying with as it plans to unveil its latest members of The Seven. tight-lipped surely isn't going to clear until he's ready to do so in-game.

So, we're left alone with our theories, no matter how far-fetched they may be. But one thing we do know is that Investigation skins appear in-game quite often. The Chapter 2 Battle Pass from season 8 was almost entirely comprised of investigation skins from the past, so we know Epic is comfortable asking players about new characters they might very well consider introducing. All I say is whether or not we've seen our first glimpses of The Origin and The Sisters, don't be surprised if whoever these characters show up in a future battle pass - or maybe even one film event.

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Crumpe Friday ‘Nite : les fans de Fortnite pensent avoir trouvé les derniers membres des sept