• 08/11/2022
  • By binternet

Charles Thouvenot "Many business leaders join Framco in Tampa Bay"<

FRAMCO, c’est la Chambre de Commerce Franco-Américaine de la Floride de l’ouest, basée à Tampa.Charles Thouvenot « De nombreux chefs d’entreprises rejoignent FRAMCO à Tampa Bay » Charles Thouvenot « De nombreux chefs d’entreprises rejoignent FRAMCO à Tampa Bay »

She was above all a "business coucil" and a social club, until the arrival at his presidency of Christian Bréchot a year ago (an internationally renowned scientist who notably led the Institut Pasteur) supported by an effective board.To become a real chamber of commerce, it was necessary, among other things, that Framco has a salaried director, which has been done since March with the arrival at this post of Charles Thouvenot.Charles has been a resident of the city of Tampa since 2013: he obtained his Bachelor in Finance at the University of Tampa."We became a full-fledged CCI in December, we went to sixty members, we aim to have 100 at the end of the year, and 100 more at the end of 2022," saidhe.And how do you go from a social club to a chamber of commerce?"The new board has given himself a lot of ambitions since last year, especially with Christian Bréchot and Alexandre Navarro who reorganize a lot.We now have committees.For example, an "education committee" which explains to future arrivals how they can educate their children here;A "Start UPS committee" helps small structures to set up;An "event committee" organizes an evening once a month in Tampa Bay or Sarasota, often in collaboration with others like the Ufe Tampa or the French Alliance of Sarasota etc ... We have members to Naples.We also have a lot of women: 50%.So, yes there was potential for Tampa to develop.Was it not as a "fatality" to have a French chamber of commerce in an agglo the size of Tampa Bay?"Yes it is true that the city is immense and endowed with infrastructure to accommodate international companies, and with advantages in other cities in Florida.The cost of living is less in Tampa Bay compared to Miami, while the quality of life is just as high.»»

And do the members of the Chamber have the same profile as in South-Floride?"Yes and no: of course we have a majority of French and French speakers, and then also all the Americans who want to be connected to these French companies.In Miami there are more general districts of the very large industry.We also have them, but the majority of our members will be small or medium -sized enterprises;This is where it is a little different.This is very good, because we have a real proximity with our members.But there are also very big who want to set up here, because Tampa in its own industrial assets.We connect to the CCIs of France, and also to Medef International in order to be in contact with all the companies who wish to cross the Atlantic and develop in Florida.»»

Charles Thouvenot « De nombreux chefs d’entreprises rejoignent FRAMCO à Tampa Bay »

Comme pour toutes les chambres de commerce, durant la pandémie il a fallu se mettre aux événements « en ligne»»."We have had many webinars, organized in collaboration with the FACCs in New York, New-Engiand, Texas, and the Fabco d'Orlando. Nous allons continuer de développer sur Youtube ces vidéos de conseils utiles pour les entreprises, car ces conseils sont appréciés par les entreprises !»»


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