• 20/02/2023
  • By binternet

Unmasked Zemmour!<

https://www.francetvinfo.fr/elections/presidentielle/behind-eric-zemmour-un-banquier-et-un-patron-de-start- up_4773765.htmlZEMMUR UNMASKED!ZEMMUR UNMASKED!

Radio France investigation unit - Philippe Randé"Young people, investment bankers, start-up managers... They work discreetly for the financing of Éric Zemmour. Revelations from the Radio investigation unit France.

It's a simple mailbox, fixed behind a slightly faded blue door, in the lobby of a building located at 18, rue du Faubourg-Poissonnière, in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. Nothing allows us to guess that, in this building surrounded by bars and restaurants, is the official headquarters of the association Les Amis d'Éric Zemmour, which finances the pre-campaign of the possible candidate. There is indeed a clue, which even the inhabitants of the building have not been able to decode. On this box is written: "LES FRIENDS D'ERIC Z.E."

Since the end of April 2021, this is where the checks sent by supporters who want to donate to the association have landed. There are about twenty-five of them which, every three days on average, are taken away by the treasurer of Éric Zemmour's friends and deposited in the bank. This box corresponds to an apartment located on the 2nd floor of building A. But when you arrive on the landing, coming out of the narrow elevator, and you knock on the door, no one answers. We then notice a second clue: above the handle are plastered signs referring to a company by the name of Checkmyguest, a start-up specializing in advising companies wishing to convert commercial premises into housing, and which offers for rent in Paris nearly 800 top-of-the-range apartments.

Julien Madar: a key man

Information taken, the apartment on the second floor belongs to a company called Société Poissonnière. An SAS (simplified joint stock company) which was created on October 28, 2019 by four shareholders, including two dentists from Créteil, and especially their cousin: Julien Madar. It was the latter who made the mailbox available to Éric Zemmour's team. 32 years old, he is the general manager of Checkmyguest. A former investment banker at Rothschild, where he specialized in mergers and acquisitions during his gap year, he first studied at Columbia University in New York. After that, he created an association of investors (club deal) with a friend, also a banker at Rothschild, before joining Checkmyguest, a young shoot that he had helped a few years ago by raising 7 million euros from funds.

Start-ups, investment banks, fundraising, youth… This profile is reminiscent of some of the lieutenants who surrounded Emmanuel Macron during his campaign in 2017. But this young wolf is riding for the radical right embodied by Éric Zemmour. A relative of the potential presidential candidate confirms this to us: "It is Julien Madar who takes care of the financing part."


“Don't worry, there is money”

When he meets Radio France's investigation unit in a café near the Champs-Elysées, the boss of Checkmyguest insists, a little embarrassed: "My company has absolutely nothing to do with this mailbox. My associates are not aware, it is a personal initiative. He then explains to us how he became "Mr Finance of Zemmour": "I know someone very close to Éric Zemmour. He came to see me last April, before the association Les Amis d' Éric Zemmour, and he asked me if I could provide him with a mailbox to receive checks in. As I own this accommodation and it is my company that manages it, I knew that this mailbox was never used, since the tourists who rent the apartment have no use for it and do not have the key anyway."

The receipt of donations could have been done at the (departing) president of the Friends of Zemmour party funding association, Ambroise Sabatier. But "Ambroise Sabatier lives near Lyon, specifies Julien Madar. It's far. We needed a place in the center of the capital." It is therefore in the 10th arrondissement of Paris that Julien Madar receives the checks, and he does more than that: "I help Éric Zemmour on the taxation of investment, he adds, but also on start-ups. up. I also introduce people to him." He is not the only one to accompany her in this search for funds. This is also the case of Paul-Marie Costeaux, the director of the Nouveau Conservateur magazine and friend of Éric Zemmour since 1993. After participating in Marine Le Pen's campaign in 2012, he joined the CNews polemicist, and affirms optimistically: "I won't go into details, but don't worry, there is money!"

"Financiers in suits and Stan Smith sneakers"

Same story from Antoine Diers, spokesperson for the friends of Zemmour and another key man in this system. Mayor LRdu Plessis-Robinson's chief of staff confirms the sending of checks: "Some send donations of 10 to 20 euros. We are also working on a bank loan. The association is approached by financiers in suits and sneakers Stan Smith, who don't look right." According to him, there would be "a financing cell of about ten people led by an investment banker". Could this banker be Jonathan Nadler, who also worked for Rothschild before being hired by JP Morgan? Julien Madar does not deny: "Jonathan Nadler manages the economic cell. I discuss with him."

According to someone close to Éric Zemmour, the roles are in fact well distributed. Julien Madar would lead the operational part of the financing of what looks like a pre-campaign, while Jonathan Nadler would focus instead on the economic program. Until now these two men did it discreetly, the question of finances remains taboo in the entourage of Éric Zemmour. They prefer to remain in the shadows, and leave the media light to the traditional funding networks of the national right. In particular to the ultra-liberal and identity entrepreneur Charles Gave, who could allow Éric Zemmour to benefit from his checkbook and his London network. "




Response from the RN/LR-LREM aviary: Radio France would be anti-Semitic, example ↓

The croaking of ↑ this volatile macronard ↑ reveals the bottom of his unconscious: "banker equals Jew"...


https://lecourrier-du-soir.com/zemmour-demasque-une-survey-reveals-that-his-campaign-is-managed-by-powerful-bankers -de-rothschild/...
