• 15/06/2022
  • By binternet

Yes, they want to receive the last hour alerts of duty<

The pandemic will have been right for unions that were believed to be eternal, but it will also have precipitated things for certain lovebirds.And even if the number of marriages celebrated halved between 2019 and 2020 due to health rules, love and its splendor have resumed their rights.This summer, thanks to the Redoux, they said, "Yes, I want it.»»

This is also what differentiates us from Ouistiti and ants, we need rituality, meaning and photos with a lot of cream.The need to promise, to swear, always or never prevails.

When the Government of Quebec closed Parliament in March 2020, the Liberal MP for Saint-Laurent, Marwah Rizqy, did not think of being bored of the presence of the deputy of Jacques-Cartier, Gregory Kelley.Three months later, the two 36 -year -old politicians moved together.They got married on September 18, a first in the annals of parliamentarism in Quebec.

"When I announced to my mother that we were getting married, she didn't say anything.Total silence.Then she launched: "Are you fine!?"»Tells me the new bride.His mother, of Moroccan origin, was in shock up to three weeks before their official union.

"I always said that I wouldn't get married," said, laughing at the boiling deputy.I am a lawyer.I know the statistics on divorce.I should know better.But I also knew from the start that I would marry Greg.He gave me something that I missed.He has no malice or aggressiveness.»»

Photo:Alexis Lavoie

Liberal deputies Marwah Rizqy and Gregory Kelley convinced in just September last.A very contagious pandemic love.

While marriage can turn off certain couples or bring out the worst in them, Marwah ignites when she talks about her sweet half.We feel real happiness piercing in his voice.She could resume these verses of Pablo Neruda: "You were in front of me, reigning in me, and you reign there.Like a pyre lit in the woods is the fire that is your kingdom.»»

Too much !

"Greg is my alpha and my omega, my beginning and my end, insists the politician.I am bricked up and it is calm.He calms me.This is my Roc de Gibraltar.In short, all its opposite.It is towards him that she wants to return after the fight in this political arena which does not make gifts and where she is regularly noticed by her frontal, even viral attacks.

He grew up in the West-of-l'île, she in Homa.They both come from a large family and want children in turn: "I would like twins, I like intensity," adds the opposition deputy who gives cold sweats to the Minister of Education.Marwah and Greg were one of young liberals without ever crossing.It was enough for an election and the fate was thrown away.

Combien a-t-elle eu d’amoureux avant lui ? « Too much ! Mais c’est la première fois que j’ai peur de perdre quelqu’un. » Encore en deuil du décès de son meilleur ami, Julien Brossard, son témoin au mariage disparu dans un accident d’avion tragique début octobre, la députée sait que le destin peut nous faucher brusquement. Et que les funérailles sont plus fréquentes que les mariages depuis deux ans. « Après 18 mois de pandémie, tout le monde était heureux de célébrer l’amour avec nous. On en avait besoin. L’amour, crisse ! »

Oui, ils le veulent Recevez les alertes de dernière heure du Devoir

Optimism and clown nose

On September 19, it was at Anne Genest and Joan Roch that I attended a clown nose exchange and "yes, I want it" rather than rushes and confetti.The two quarantineers, she in red, in blue, formalized a love at first sight which struck them for a year before the pandemic, followed by a joyful confinement.

"When I was 20, I didn't want to get married," said Anne.Bringing you for life with someone, I saw it like a prison.Alberoni (the love shock) compared the married woman to a wild flower in a pot.Now I have found a wild man and I'm happy in my pot.»»

I meet the two lovers, parents of four separately children and emeritus runners, again after their marriage.The day before, they finished an "ultra" in Bromont, 160 kilometers in 34 hours and 37 minutes, during which they slept only 20 minutes.

"It's a bit of our wedding trip," says Anne.We have a chemistry and a complicity that work perfectly.Even in sweat and the test, at night and discouragement, not to mention the hallucinations they both experienced.Anne speaks of symbiotic couple and her twin."We have so many affinities.We are the same.We love too much.It doesn't scare us.»»

Their union makes them fuel their physical and imaginative capacities as much as possible.Joan even ran Percé-Montréal in the summer of 2020 with Anne by her side for a few segments.

"We like to achieve things together, we fuel projects," explains the novelist.During the pandemic, they made a podcast, restored an old barn in their courtyard in Longueuil, learned to make bread and writes ... together.

"The pandemic showed us the sadness of many couples," notes Anne, who multiplies appearances with her alter ego on social networks."We want to be bright."And to talk about another type of contagion.

This mutual thunderbolt will have extricated them from two relationships in which they were no longer at the top of their form after 15 years for him and 17 years for her.Sometimes love dies in secret.

"Talking about happy separation, it can shock," says Joan.As if you had to be silent when you are happy.We married to confirm what we feel.»»

"To get married is to rush into life and to believe that the beautiful exists," adds her new married, who walks in duck because of the endoloris muscles.“I want to end my life with Joan, as in a long race.When I rupture, I was crying.Today, she runs with a smile, even when she wants to abandon the race.

"We are serious optimists," concludes Anne.Or simply ... in love.


Lu Réinventer l’amour. Comment le patriarcat sabote les relations hétérosexuelles, de Mona Chollet, qui nous avait donné l’excellent Sorcières. La thèse de l’essayiste tourne autour de l’impossibilité pour les femmes hétéros de fleurir dans le mariage tout simplement parce que « la perversité de nos sociétés est de nous bombarder d’injonctions à l’hétérosexualité tout en éduquant et en socialisant méthodiquement les hommes et les femmes de façon qu’ils soient incapables de s’entendre ». À travers moult exemples tirés de la littérature ou du cinéma, elle démontre que les femmes ne peuvent donner la pleine mesure d’elles-mêmes dans une union conçue pour favoriser les hommes. Elle dément les deux exemples que j’avance aujourd’hui où les femmes fleurissent au lieu de s’éteindre dans leur « pot ». Parfois, l’homme n’est pas en fuite et la femme, pas une dépendante affective ; ils peuvent cheminer ensemble. On souhaite que cela ne soit pas une exception… https://bit.ly/3aWxni6

Versé une larme devant le récit photographique de l’histoire d’amour entre Greg Kelley et Marwah Rizqy sur leur invitation de mariage. https://bit.ly/2Z2hunE

Adoré le film Maria Chapdelaine, de Sébastien Pilote, que j’ai vu à sa sortie. J’y ai perçu une pudeur qu’on a perdue, cette intériorité qui ne peut passer qu’au cinéma ou dans la vraie vie. J’ai trouvé la direction d’acteurs et la caméra splendides, les personnages crédibles. L’amour offrait peu de choix en 1910. Et surtout, l’amour ne voulait pas dire la même chose et se négociait contre la sécurité et la survie il y a un siècle, il y a une éternité. La prestation de Gabriel Arcand en médecin inculte est courte et puissante.

Only downside, the too clean costumes coming out of the making workshop.https://bit.ly/2zbwkbs

By the way, I interviewed Maria Chapdelaine (Sara Montpetit) here two years ago.The reality of 16 -year -old teens has changed a lot.https://bit.ly/3Ashuva

Joblog | Lutte des classes

I immersed myself this summer in films and series that deal with love and where, each time, the differences in social classes become an issue.I saw Jane Eyre again, appreciated the cocinera of Castamar and devoured a family bond, more contemporary and taken from the novel by Nadine Bismuth, who signs the scriptwriting.Here, it is a police officer living in the suburbs who decides to renovate his cuisine at $ 50,000 out of love for the beautiful Magalie, a somewhat stuck and trendy urban caught in a union that beats with a lawyer who deceives herin the office.

Even if I found that the heroine lacks sparkling, I liked that we reverse the proposal and that we show a (handsome) man who tries to access another social status.The female characters seemed very caricatured and neurotic compared to those of the guys, impeccable.And Chantal Fontaine-who is only 56 years old and plays Magalie's mother-, in an unemployed pugmable, a small wise and low ankle toque while her daughter wears dim-ups ... sioupit.

What clichés.This will be another subject.https://bit.ly/3avxdd3

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