• 12/08/2022
  • By binternet

What difference is there between endoscopy and fibroscopy?<

Modified by Alexis Flamel

These two methods of medical exploration are commonly used and often arouse apprehension in the patient.What are their differences ?How do these exams take place?We will explain everything to you.

Endoscopy - or fibroscopy - designates a method of exploring organisms and internal cavities of the organism.It is made using an endoscope, a kind of rigid or flexible tube on which are fixed a camera and a lamp.Endoscopy can be carried out for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.Coloscopy designates an endoscopy carried out specifically at the level of the colon.Also called colonoscopy, this visual examination of the colon is done through a probe called coloscope.It consists of an exploration of the rectum and the totality of the colon to the ileo-colitone junction.

Endoscopy: What is it?

Endoscopy is a medical imaging examination.It allows you to visualize the interior of a hollow organ (bronchi, stomach, colon, bladder ...).The doctor practices endoscopy using an endoscope.This tube, which can be flexible or rigid, is introduced by natural routes or via a small incision.It depends on the organ that we are trying to explore.

Regarding the endoscope used, there are two types:

The choice of the endoscope depends on the organ which must be examined.The endoscope is always handled by a specialist doctor, trained in his handling.During endoscopy, it advances the tube to the organ he wishes to explore, of which he examines each corner.The captured images are then projected and analyzed on a computer screen, connected to the endoscope.

Many types of endoscopy

The indications of an endoscopy depend on the organ to explore.There are many types, such as:

Why make a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is a very effective examination to detect cancer of the colon and rectum.This examination is recommended in patients who have family or personal history of colon polyps.It is also recommended in the event of digestive symptoms which have been evolving for several weeks or a few months (transit disorders, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, etc.).Finally, it is recommended in patients whose blood search test in the stool (reimbursed by social security) is positive.

The examination consists in concrete terms in visualizing the interior of the colon with a diagnostic or therapeutic purpose.It is generally carried out under light anesthesia and does not exceed more than an hour.

How does an endoscopy go?

Quelle différence y a-t-il entre une endoscopie et une fibroscopie ?

The course of an endoscopy is not the same according to the organ to explore.As a rule, local anesthesia is carried out to put the introductory area of the endoscope and make the examination.General anesthesia can also be proposed, especially for colonoscopy or if the examination is operating.Air is sometimes instilled in order to take off the walls and facilitate the displacement of the tube.This method is particularly used during a colonoscopy.

For a colonoscopy as for any other endoscopy, the exam does not last long.Patients under local anesthesia come back to their homes as soon as the exam was completed.Those who have undergone general anesthesia are brought to the alarm clock.They stay there under surveillance for about an hour, before returning to their hospital room.

The duration of the patient's hospitalization varies greatly according to the importance of the examination practiced.For a gastroscopy for example, hospitalization does not exceed a few hours.As part of a laparoscopy on the other hand (examination of the abdomen), hospitalization lasts several days.

Is it painful?

Endoscopy as colonoscopy are important and sometimes invasive examinations.It often happens that patients faced with such an examination are very anxious.Rest assured, however, endoscopy and colonoscopy are not painful!

These examinations can be unpleasant, but you will not feel any pain.Especially since the introductory area of the endoscope is anesthetized.Also, go to the medical examination without fear.If you feel stressed, do not hesitate to talk to the doctors who accompany you.They can then decide a general anesthesia.

How to prepare for an endoscopy?

Since you are undergoing anesthesia during your exam, you must respect a few upstream instructions.If anesthesia is general, a pre-anesthetic consultation will be necessary.You will also have to be on an empty stomach to avoid the slightest risk.Do not smoke, neither the day nor the day before your examination.

Once your endoscopy is complete, additional examinations can be prescribed according to the organ to be explored (electrocardiogram, blood test, radiography, etc.).The day of your exam, remember to bring yourself:

How to prepare for a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is an examination which requires a particular preparation.You must indeed eliminate all the faeces of your colon before your examination.A rigorous preparation is therefore imposed upstream of the meeting, in order to guarantee the reliability of the examination.

Coloscopy must absolutely be achieved on an empty stomach in food and liquids.But that's not all.A residue -free diet must be respected by the patient two to three days before the examination.He must therefore avoid green or fiber -rich vegetables.The cigarette is also to be banned.It is also preferable to avoid fatty food, fermented cheeses and alcoholic drinks.

The colon must indeed be perfectly clean for the result of the colonoscopy to be interpretable.Also, the patient is forced to empty their stool using highly laxative products.We give him to do this preparation to drink.

Do endoscopy and colonoscopy include risks?

The main risk of colonoscopy (and more generally an endoscopy) to the patient is the infectious risk.The endoscope is systematically disinfected before being introduced into your body so as to prevent this risk.The other accessories are also either sterilized or for single use.

Anesthesia is the second potential risk.A critical incident rarely presents itself.However, to avoid it, a pre-anesthetic consultation is absolutely necessary and compulsory.

And now, you now know what is the difference between endoscopy and colonoscopy.If such an examination is prescribed, do not panic.You will not feel any pain and normally run no risk.Do not hesitate to share your apprehension to the medical team around you.

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