• 09/07/2022
  • By binternet

The amateur singers of lyric trestles attack Offenbach's "La Périchole"<

It is both a show and a great collective adventure.In real life, Vincent, Myriam and the other companions are an engineer, a reception head of the hotel, financial, teacher ... But until February 6, they interpret the perichole of Jacques Offenbach at the Théâtre du Gymnase, in Paris.All are part of the lyric trestles, an association of amateur singers who, for over 50 years, has risen, every two years, an opera for charity in a prestigious place in the capital.

"The troop was born in 1968. A bunch of friends dreamed of doing theater and singing; they got into the operetta," says Jean-Philippe, director of public affairs in a pharmaceutical laboratory.This baritone joined the big "family" of the trestles 22 years ago, after having done theater and sung in a choir.Vincent, environmental engineer at Eurotunnel, participates for the first time: he plays Piquillo, the lover of the Périchole.

Their ambition: to offer a quality show.For this, they are accompanied by a professional orchestra, and supervised by specialists.As proof, this evening of rehearsal.Sitting in the dark, the director Yves Coudray, who has long directed the Offenbach of Etretat festival, and the choreographer Francesca Bonato watch in the smallest detail: "Do not be afraid to invest the background of the scene";"Marc, you will think of removing your watch" ... At the end of the first act, they do not hide their satisfaction: "The seriousness and enthusiasm of these people give surprising results!"

A breakaway

These 33 singers, aged 19 to 70, are very invested.For newcomers (20% of the troop), we must already succeed in auditions."This year, with the COVID, we had a lot of candidates. Everyone needs to change their minds ...", slips a member of the company.The rehearsals started in spring 2021. First, in Visio.Then, in face -to -face.Since September, the pace has intensified: two hours of singing on Monday evening, two hours of choreography on Tuesday evening, and one in two weekends.

Les chanteurs amateurs des Tréteaux Lyriques s'attaquent à

Sets and costumes were made with the help of professional high schools.But if necessary, the singers do not hesitate to take out the seam kit or search in their wardrobe."What motivates us is the atmosphere. It lets us go after spending a day in the figures!", Confides a financial expert."When you work in the social, it is good to have a breakaway," adds Antoine, manager of a reception center for homeless, dressed that evening as a courtyard, tail of Pius and Lavallière.

For this extraordinary troupe, the show also makes it possible to make Offenbach known, nicknamed "The Petit Mozart des Champs-Elysées", and its operettas full of fantasy.This year, the company chose the Périchole."My favorite work!, Rejoices the director. It does not speak of God, goddess or historical figures, but of a street singer and power."An artist's story without the penny that is reminiscent of the news ...

Not easy, in fact, in full wave COVID, to fill a theater with 600 places."It is the year of all dangers," worries a member of the troop.But the lyrical trestles knew others: "Two years ago, we played in the middle of RATP strike", slips another.Reservations are starting to take off a little."We should make a margin," hopes the treasurer.The profits, if there are any, will be donated to charities (this year, the white butterflies and the dunes of hope, which help people with disabilities).A resolutely collective adventure.

La Périchole, operation of Jacques Offenbach, at the Théâtre du Gymnase Marie Bell, 38, boulevard Bonne Nouvelle 75010 Paris. Six performances by February 6.From 10 to 58 € (young price under 26 years old / group rate from 11 people).Information and reservations: www.treteaux-lyriques.com