• 08/07/2022
  • By binternet

Newsletter Lefaso.net Burkina/ Culture: an example of artistic resilience in the land of honest men, according to Issiaka Tierebéogo<

Ouagadougou has truly become the Latin artistic ʺquartierʺ from West Africa, according to the flowering of cultural activities that take place there.

From the Pan -African Festival of Cinema and television in Ouagadougou (Fespaco) to the International Theater and Puppets Festival of Ouagadougou (Fitmo) via the Festival de Theater Young Public, there is no week without a cultural activity in the countryInsteited men.

Despite the adversity due to the pandemic of the disease in Corona Virus and the security crisis with its galley corollary, the artists are very resilient by organizing events of high artistic quality.

The International Théâtre de Théâtre de Ouagadougou (CITO) is not on the sidelines of this artistic boiling, since it has broadcast since October 13, 2021, its 49th major creation entitled "Le Costume", an original text by Daniel Canodoise Themba dit CanThemba, adapted to the national context by Paul P. Zoungrana and staged by Noël Douniwata Minougou.

What exactly is it about in this show?

From the outset, the public is facing an Italian scene inside which, we can see habitats built on the model of a Sahelian architecture with overturned U doors.

Women's equipment is stored here and there on the stage.

On the platform, a little further up, six (06) actors, three (03) men and three (03) women, start the national anthem "Le Ditanyè" as a salvation in colors and to welcome spectators.

It is on this eclectic entry that the show begins with a musical concert intertwined with the noise of the work of weavers.

A character, Christian Léger Dah, of his real name, plays the role of the committed artist who depicts the unhappy situations of the country's socio -political life.

Newsletter LeFaso.net Burkina/ culture : Un exemple de résilience artistique au Pays des Hommes intègres, selon Issiaka Tiendrebéogo

Then suddenly, we are in another scene where the Philemon couple find themselves as an aside.He dreams of a whimsical world.For them, love can overcome all the problems in the world.

The intrigue of the history of the play revolves around Mathilda's conjugal infidelity abbreviated Tilly, Philemon's wife or Phil.

This couple who looks happy brings a problem that old Serge Henry will reveal to Philemon, his real name, Mahamady Nana, by this very enigmatic sentence: "When you are not there, someone comes to put on your.shoe.»»

Indeed, another scene shows Philemon's wife flirting with a gentleman.

Philemon surprises them, the man runs away and abandons his costume.

This is the beginning of a incredible soap opera in the couple, because Philemon, instead of hitting his wife or complaining bitterly, decides to host this strange character that is "the costume" in their house.

From now on, this costume sets and lunch with the couple.

The woman, Tilly, can no longer be of this psychological suffering.Several things are starting to jostle in his head.

To know the end of this story, you have to make the trip to the Cito where the room is played until November 6, 2021.

This show, which could have been called "the foreigner", presents a very special decor organized with a master's hand by Issa Ouédraogo which camps two social classes: the class from above and that from below.

One of the revelations of this 49th major creation of the CITO is undoubtedly the Minister of Town Planning, whose real name is Michel Bapio Bassingué.

Very comfortable in acting, he embodies Brookian serenity.Let us mark a passage to understand the depth of the text: "There is a lie a man applauded without understanding there was a man firm his eyes to ignore the truth.

There is a lie an intellectual swaps his conscience and his soul for a material good. Quartier of a taudi.Cited in sardine.City of Banco sigh.

The country's backyard.Slums.Badly lotie.Not lotie.Where vomits live.Day and night ... "

Note also the Minister of Culture, Halimata B. Koussé.

The latter plays an energetic way and embodies a very serious actress capable of taking relevant initiatives in her game.

In the coming years, these two actors will show the artistic agora what they are capable of and will certainly win laurels for Burkina Faso.What about the director?

We will use the expression attributed to Michel Ange: "He has the compass in the eye".Indeed, in real architect of thought, the director, Noël Minougou was able to transcribe in a faithful way the story told by Can Themba and it was not without effect on the public who, at given moments, hadOften want to go on the stage and settle his accounts with Philémon, the main character of this play, because he was able to embody the role of the torturer husband very well.

Through the play "Le Costume", the young director, Noël Minougou who had already revealed himself in other staging like Mister Time or Marathon Man, enter the short list of renowned Burkinabè directors.

Read also COVID-19: which recovery model (s) for the arts and culture sector in Burkina Faso?

Dr Pingdewindé Issiaka Tiendrébéogo, master assistant in theatrical studies at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, director of the cultural association Sylvie Chalaye (ACSC) coordinator of the National Theater Federation in Burkina Faso (Fenatheb),Center region.

Member of the Executive Bureau of the International Theater Carrefour of Ouagadougou.E-mail: pingdewinde@yahoo.fr