• 13/06/2022
  • By binternet

Isabella Rossellini: "If you ask me what century I would have liked to live, it is this!»»<

Isabella Rossellini has always assumed a refreshing singularity in the world of cinema and modeling.At 69, the Italian-American actress and model continues her astonishing career by sharing on stage, with a lot of humor, her passion for animal customs.

I would not have got there if ...

... If I had not been daring by registering at university at the age of 55. Admit that it is not a classic age to make its university entry, but it was a brilliant idea that allowed me to study ethology, the science of animal behavior - a passion since my childhood - and which has given my life a new impulse. I then crossed a professional desert. I had worked all my life as a model and actress, and now, the phone had suddenly stopped ringing. The contracts had become scarce, the roles had disappeared. Curtain on the mature woman! My mother had warned me: between 45 and 60 years old, all the actresses experience a hollow. But that it happens to me amaze me. Like this sudden career rebound, the sixties come. It's incredible: I am assaulted by solicitations when I approach 70 years! But here it is: in the meantime, I have acquired a master's degree in ethology and it opened up other horizons.

Which ?

I started to write, produce and interpret several series of small films on the mores of animals (green porn); A piece on the same theme (Bestiary of Love), in the form of a long monologue co-written with Jean-Claude Carrière; And Conference shows (Darwin's smile and Darwin migraine) like those I gave in July at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris ... It was fabulous to find myself in such a prestigious museum and tell-to My way - Darwin, his genius, his discoveries, his theory of evolution ... and his perplexity in front of the tail of the peacock. Imagine that she gave him migraine! How, he wondered, explain such a splendor? I now have some scientific knowledge, but I am above all a storytelling of stories. So what a joy to tell the animal world! Especially since I have a small organic farm on which I live, an hour and a half from New York, and where I raise chickens, sheep, bees.

Were you not attended the university in Rome?

Isabella Rossellini : « Si vous me demandez à quel siècle j’aurais souhaité vivre, c’est bien celui-ci ! »

No.I had attended the costume and fashion academy there to become a costume designer.I had worked a little for a small theater and as assistant to my father's first wife, Roberto Rossellini, who made the costumes for each of his films.And then, I flew to America to learn English.There, in New York, I was offered to take photos for Vogue.It was totally unexpected.But what do we plan in life?I said to myself why not?It's funny, and when I am old, I can say to my grandchildren: look, I was very beautiful!Vogue even photographed me once!

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