• 27/01/2023
  • By binternet

How to take care of your penis?<

L'hygiène intime reste un sujet tabou, encore plus quand il s'agit de celle des hommes. Alors, pour vous messieurs, voilà huit points clés pour arborer une jolie verge en pleine santé !Comment prendre soin de son pénis ? Comment prendre soin de son pénis ?

For your well-being and that of your partner, your private parts must be beautiful and clean ...

How to clean the penis

Cleaning the rod with a soft soap: a healthy penis is first of all good body hygiene.No need to invest in some so-called specific product, a surgras shower gel will do very well.If you are not circumcised, remember to trigger well as your mom learned, and, in any case, do not enjoy more than once a day, otherwise the delicate and soft skin of your glans S'would find it dried up.

You can also tryoniglandyl, (but the editorial staff does not take any responsibility on this product), or, as Booba advocates in his illegal song, to wash your penis in holy water (same).

Soothe it in case of irritation

In the event of a problem, apply a small simple cream, without perfume, or a little sweet almond oil before the shower.Certain followers of natural methods recommend using vinegar diluted in water, garlic or yogurt, in order to treat a yeast infection (rarer in men but not nonexistent).However, I could not test for you, so it remains to be checked.

Underwear, costumes for Phallus…

Comment prendre soin de son pénis ?

Set the rod of its most beautiful clothes: opt for cotton underwear!These are as comfortable as respectful of your family jewelry and the rest.Otherwise, to have fun, you can also disguise it: you will find here and a whole range of costumes for Phallus, going from the most classic (if a sex outfit is a common thing), to the most eccentric ...play.

Let it breathe: avoid tight and tight pants, which cause friction and generate itching or irritation.Ditto for high dose bikes.

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Musculate your penis

There is a name that we should all know, men and women, it is the perineum.Indeed, this muscle located in the crotch, at the base of the penis, makes it possible to fortify the erection and to have a greater mastery of its ejaculation.To develop it and maintain it, it is enough to become aware of it and to exercise it in a day.To do this, contract your perineum for a few seconds, then release it.Repeat the operation a dozen times.An exercise to consume without moderation.

Sex hair

Elague, cut, cut, but pity don't shave!For you as for us, it's very unpleasant: it stings and it scratches regrowth (for a while all the same).Furthermore, it is neither good for the skin (so fine at this place), nor for the hygienic aspect: if hair is there, it is that there is a reason.On the other hand, a little bearded mower will allow you to see more clearly and highlight your wonderful sex.

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Keep your penis healthy

Provide excess: alcohol, tobacco, big consumption of porn movies and abusive masturbation: this is the ideal cocktail for making your venerable rod a vulgar marshmallow ... yes, drink or copula: you have to choose!

In order to protect your penis from fungi and other ISTs (sexually transmitted infections), if you or your partner have not done a test, using condoms is essential

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Auteur :
Marine Nugeron
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