• 29/09/2022
  • By binternet

Halloween: an influencer fails to lose a look because of her costume<

Par Clément Capot

Thinking that she found an incredible costume for Halloween, an American makeup and influencer almost lost his sight.

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It is a Halloween evening that we don't wish anyone.Jordyn Oakland, 27 -year -old American resident in Seattle almost lost her right eye because of her disguise.The most shivering evening of the year turned into a real nightmare for the makeup and influencer, as the Daily Mail reveals.

A problem of contact lens

However, it all started well.This year, Jordyn Oakland has an original idea this year: she will disguise herself as cannibal esthetician.The influencer wears a white blouse stained with blood and her makeup talents help her to grim her face, for a more than successful result.As a final touch, she puts black contact lenses on her eye that make her pupils and her iris absolutely terrifying, sold by the Doll Kill brand.

For now, everything is okay.But when she tries to remove one of the famous lenses, the events run into the drama.One of them remains stuck on his right eye.Impossible to remove it.Jordyn Oakland will have to use the strong way to get rid of it.

An accident with disastrous consequences

It was only the next morning that the influencer realizes the extent of the problem.If at first, she feels only a simple scratch on her eye, upon waking, the pain is unbearable.She can hardly open the eyelid and it is with dread that she finds that her eyeball is swollen.

Halloween : une influenceuse manque de perdre un oeil à cause de son costume

Jordyn Oakland immediately went to the emergency room before a doctor told him that his right eye may well lose sight.She tells :

Fortunately, after several days of care, Jordyn Oakland ended up recovering the sight.This is the first time that she commanded contact lenses at Doll Kill.The brand has also assured in the process that the manufacturing process was more than precautionary.But what happened?

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