• 25/02/2023
  • By binternet

"Framing Britney Spears", what is this shock documentary worth?<

The film on the descent into the star of the star will be available on April 5 on Amazon Prime Video.An edifying survey that points to the unhealthy media role.

Par Fabrice Dupreuilh
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Britney lycéenne coquine, Britney hôtesse de l'air sexy, Britney dompteuse de fauves peu farouche… La Britney Spears, version clips vidéo, c'est une succession d'images léchées illustrant des chansons souvent un brin provoc, dans lesquelles la belle enchaîne chorégraphies endiablées et poses lascives. Le tout pour mettre en valeur des textes dans lesquels des questions aussi existentielles que You want a piece of me ? côtoient des affirmations peu équivoques (I'm a slave for you), et où l'amour – toxique de préférence – a le goût de poison paradisiaque. Autant vous prévenir, dans le documentaire Framing Britney Spears, qu'Amazon Prime proposera dès le 5 avril prochain, vous ne verrez rien de tout cela.« Framing Britney Spears », que vaut ce documentaire choc ? « Framing Britney Spears », que vaut ce documentaire choc ?

Le film, agrémenté de témoignages de proches et d'anciens collaborateurs (la famille, sollicitée, n'a pas souhaité s'exprimer), commence avec la première apparition, dans un télé-crochet, de la petite Britney, âgée de 9 ans, à qui un animateur peu inspiré demande pourquoi elle n'a pas de petit ami (sa réponse « Ils sont méchants»» sonne comme une triste prophétie). Il évoque brièvement les années Mickey Mouse Club d'une Britney engoncée dans le costume ajusté de l'ado idéale avant d'entrer dans le dur. 1998. L'incontournable « Baby One More Time»» et ses 8 millions d'exemplaires vendus, numéro un des ventes dans 22 pays, ouvre bien des portes à la toute jeune Britney, 18 ans à peine, mais aussi, pour son plus grand malheur, les pages des magazines people. En trois ans, la sympathique girl next door devient une bad girl infréquentable et finira même clouée au pilori en tant que « mauvaise mère»». La lapidation médiatique ne fait pas de quartier. Britney sombre peu à peu dans la dépression, au point de devoir être placée sous tutelle.

Also read "Baby One More Time", the tube that makes us fall in adolescence

The violence of stolen photos, sordids and embarrassing big titles dedicated to the star for almost 20 years suddenly jumps out.Nothing will have been spared him.The painful vagaries of his private life (his break with Justin Timberlake, his sudden marriage and his stormy divorce with Kevin Federline, the lost guard of his two children) are offered in pasture to the public who asked for more.And the more Britney sinks, the more the press is bent, outraged to see it violently react to the incessant assaults of the paparazzi.When, in 2007, in the middle of the night, stuck in a hair salon, she shaves her head in front of a host of eager objectives, again, the planet media wonders about her "madness" without ever hearing the cryof distress that she addresses to him, in an ultimate act of scratching."She has never shown any hostility towards us the style" I don't like you guys ... "", is justified without conviction Daniel Ramos, a photographer from.

But beyond the forfeiture of pop star, it's a whole system that Framing Britney Spears is working to deconstruct.A media system in which young women suddenly placed under the spotlights are also quickly free from their ephemeral pedestal.Nothing very new under the Hollywood sun, you will tell us.Since the birth of the cinema at the beginning of the last century, this artificial sun has seen many others parade, manipulated, soiled starlets, to finish broken in the bottomless cupboard of forgotten celebrities.But the #MeToo wave has been there.And the documentary puts words on this violence imbued with deep misogyny.And to best point to passivity, at worst the unhealthy participation of men in the torments of the young woman.

Justin Timberlake in the viewfinder

« Framing Britney Spears », que vaut ce documentaire choc ?

Starting with his former companion, singer Justin Timberlake.After their break in 2002, he will not cease to give himself the beautiful role, that of the victim humiliated by a fiancée decidedly fickle.Without ever attacking him head on.But the message is pernicious.He slips between the lines of his interviews, but especially in the clip of his planetary tube "Cry a river", in which we follow a poor Justin broken by the end of his love story with a pretty blonde (resemblingTo be mistaken in Britney) who shamelessly deceived him.Poor Justin!The POP planet is believed.

And "slut-bashing" can begin-this rude term designating the violent phenomenon which consists in belitting or feeling guilty a woman because of her sexual behavior.The wife of a governor publicly recognizes that she would use a firearm on the singer, on the pretext that she gives the wrong example to her children."I'm not here to educate your children," defends the star in tears in a television interview.The ace.Not once, this brave Justin will not defense, more busy boasting of his sexual performance in a radio program, under the fatty laughter of the host.The conclusion is clear…

Excuses time

At least today.The time for awareness has come.And that of the regrets too ... Thus, last February 12, a few days after the broadcasting across the Atlantic of this documentary, Justin Timberlake, surely unarmeded by the unrected image that is given there, has split aPost Instagram to expose his late feeling of guilt."I am sorry for these moments of my life when my actions contributed to the problem, where I monopolized the word, where I did not express myself in the name of what was right.I know […] that I benefited from a system that promotes misogyny and racism, ”he writes.Sincere or opportunistic approach?It is not here that we will decide the question.

Widely supported by many stars since its broadcast, the main interested party spoke on March 30 about this film on her Instagram account."I have not seen the documentary, but from what I could see, I am embarrassed by this highlight.I cried for two weeks and I continue to do it frequently!!!!»She writes there.And to add: "You have to have a lot of strength to have confidence in the universe and entrust its real injuries to it, because I have always been judged, devalued and insulted by the media, and this is still the case today'hui.»»

In the meantime, even if her fans continue to think that she is retained prisoner by her father, the star has just officially asked that his supervision be removed from him.The beginning of a new emancipation?Felicia Culotta, her childhood friend and former manager, starts to hope that Britney will soon take the floor to tell her version of the story.A testimony that the world suddenly seems more inclined to listen to after having blocked their ears for years.Oops !

Vous lisez actuellement : « Framing Britney Spears»», que vaut ce documentaire choc ?
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Journal denounced by resigners (like Weiss) as fallen into the hands of the new far left, anti-expression anti-expression and diversity of opinion, racialist and the usual package.A politicized propaganda newspaper therefore.Suddenly, I wonder about the need to see this document.If it is to see 75 minutes of "Patriarchal Power

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