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Emmanuel Macron: How much are the president's costumes cost?<

© Alain Rolland/ Imagebuzz/ Bestimage 1/9 -French President Emmanuel Macron arrives at the European Summit in Brussels.Belgium, Brussels, February 20, 2020 by Mélody Husson Garnier

Emmanuel Macron carries costumes signedmuggler, a brand of French -free -body.But how much exactly cost the president's clothes?

As President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron is certainly the man most scrutinized by the French people.In all circumstances, the head of state must display an impeccable look, and to do this, Emmanuel Macron does not wear any costumes.According to information from Closer, the President of the Republic bears costumes signed Smuggler.This is one of the rare brands to manufacture its costumes in France, in Limoges more precisely.

Previously, the head of state used to wear costumes from the brand Jonas et Cie, a small shop located in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris.In addition, a Jonas and Cie costume costs between 340 and 380 euros, including retouching.From now on, it is therefore the SMUGGLER brand and its guaranteed French original tailor that was chosen by the President."It was Brigitte Macron's office who called.Then, that of the president took over, "said Gilles Attaf, the brand's boss, in Closer.

The price of "made in France"

Only the quality of French manufacturing has a price.And for good reason, a Smuggler costume is worth on average between 800 euros and 1.500 euros.In other words, a sum two to three times higher than that spent before.Obviously, the president is ready to put the price it takes to honor French crafts and claim the "made in France" to the end of his sleeves.And if Emmanuel Macron has a preference for navy blue costumes with a two buttons straight cup, the head of state asks his wife Brigitte, who does not hesitate to shop for him ifneed."She is the one who comes to shop here.Choosing the costumes and calls her husband when she hesitates between two models, "said Marc Beaugé, in an interview with Liberation.

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© Stephane Mahe / Pool / Bestimage 2/9 -Le président Emmanuel Macron visite le magasin Super U de Saint-Pol-de-Léon lors de son déplacement dans le Finistère le 22 avril 2020.© Stephane Lemouton / Bestimage 3/9 -Emmanuel Macron, président de la République Française, dépose une gerbe lors de la commémoration du 75ème anniversaire de la victoire du 8 mai 1945 au pied de la statue du Général de Gaulle, à Paris le 8 mai 2020.© Franck Crusiaux / Pool / Bestimage 4/9 -Discours d'Le président Emmanuel Macron, en arriere plan, Bruno Le Maire, ministre de l?économie et des finances. - Le président Emmanuel Macron visite le site Valeo à Etaples (Pas-de-Calais) et annonce son plan de soutien pour l'industrie automobile le 26 mai 2020.© Romain Gaillard/Pool/Bestimage 5/9 -Emmanuel Macron, president de la Republique - Réunion du président de la République avec les partenaires sociaux au Palais de l'Élysée le 4 juin 2020.© Inside / Panoramic / Bestimage 6/9 -Le président de la République française Emmanuel Macron lors d'une conférence de presse conjointe après le 35ème Sommet Franco-Italien, au palais royal de Milan, Italie, le 27 février 2020.© Pierre Villard/Pool/Bestimage 7/9 -Le président de la République française Emmanuel Macron visite un EHPAD (Etablissement de Logement pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes) dans le 13ème arrondissement de Paris, France, le 8 mars 2020. Emmanuel Macron est allé à la rencontre du personnel dans la crainte de l'épidémie de Coronavirus Covid-19 et a déjeuné avec des résidents de la maison de retraite parisienne.© Hamilton / Pool / Bestimage 8/9 -Emmanuel Macron, président de la République - Covid-19 (épidémie de coronavirus) - Visite du centre dappels du Samu de lhôpital parisien Necker-Enfants malades. Paris, le 10 mars 2020.© JB Autissier / Panoramic / Bestimage 9/9 -Le président Emmanuel Macron, la première dame Brigitte Macron - Le roi et la reine dEspagne arrivent au palais de lElysée à Paris pour un déjeuner avant la cérémonie à loccasion de la première journée nationale dhommage aux victimes du terrorisme le 11 mars 2020.PrécédentSuivant 89 commentairesCommenterPartager cet article

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Emmanuel Macron : combien coûtent les costumes du Président ?

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Anonyme Le 24/01 à 14:29

Sorry he bears the costume very well given the price

0 0 Répondre Signaler un abus Anonyme Le 07/01 à 13:12

Very very expensive but it is the president

0 0 Répondre Signaler un abus Anonyme2773951 Le 18/06 à 10:52

The important thing is not how much it costs but......Who pays ??????? and who is it ?????

0 0 Répondre Signaler un abus Anonyme Le 17/06 à 19:04

Take advantage benefits with your grandmother will not have to have this Macron family and auziere that is enough, uptur

0 0 Répondre Signaler un abus Anonyme2772553 Le 17/06 à 13:44

Change as medium I see for this president with a lot of problems I dare say nothing !!!

0 0 Répondre Signaler un abus Anonyme2771964 Le 17/06 à 06:41

Smart the little Macron is 15 years old he already had a relationship with his degree 25 years older very good example for our students his costumes not terrible fortunately I was not voted for LuiBourgeois!

7 1 Répondre Signaler un abus Anonyme3138742 Le 04/01 à 09:22

At least, it will have avoided him to make as many spelling mistakes as you!

0 0Signaler un abus Anonyme2769173 Le 15/06 à 15:59

Yes, the forced assignment of whites in the history of the bourgeois is for them a way of protecting themselves by using civilization as a rampart.It is the bourgeois who decide what will be written in history books.It is not innocent if it is their story that they assign us as if it were ours.

0 0 Répondre Signaler un abus Anonyme2769065 Le 15/06 à 15:12

One wonders what Colbert does from the king's time before the assembly of the Republic, by what miracle did he get there

0 0 Répondre Signaler un abus Anonyme2769073 Le 15/06 à 15:15

Wouldn't republican universalism be so universal?You have to get back in context, for them the dark was not human

0 0Signaler un abus Anonyme2769071 Le 15/06 à 15:14

How can guys sign the human rights charter put the statue of a guy who wrote the black code at the entrance to their assembly...Mystery.

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