• 07/11/2022
  • By binternet

Clara Dupont-Monod, Jacques Fieschi, Elsa Fottorino, Gerard Manley Hopkins ... Brief criticism of the literary school year of the "world of books"<

Novel."Adapt", by Clara Dupont-Monod

Loin des romans historiques en costume auxquels Clara Dupond-Monod nous avait habitués, dans lesquels elle explorait volontiers la tonalité des contes et légendes, l’écrivaine offre avec S’adapter le roman d’une famille de la fin du XXe siècle, bouleversée par l’arrivée d’un enfant lourdement handicapé.Rather than adopting the overhanging point of view of an omniscient narrator, the author prefers to look at the trajectories of each from below: the stones in this Cévenole house are here the empathic witnesses of what the members of thesiblings.In three parts, she manages to have delicately and accuracy feel what the trajectories of each owe to the birth of this brother, who died at 10 years.Of the elder, who gives up childhood games and adolescence emotions to protect him, the youngest, who revolts and hardens, everyone manages as they can find their place.Just like that, born after this death, which must succeed in taming this ghost so bulky.Fl.By

"Adapt", by Clara Dupont-Monod, Stock, 180 p., € 18.50, digital € 13.

Clara Dupont-Monod, Jacques Fieschi, Elsa Fottorino, Gerard Manley Hopkins… Les brèves critiques de la rentrée littéraire du « Monde des livres »

Literary essay. « Salomé(s) », de Laforgue,Flaubert, Huysmans, Moreau, Apollinaire, précédé d’« Anatomie comparée des Salomés », de Patricia Farazzi

"Under her light tunic, writes Saint Augustine, the girl appears in a sort of nudity" ... we know the rest.Salomé dances with such grace that her stepfather, Herod Antipas, blows him: "Ask me what you want."Pushed by her mother, she demands the head of Jean-Baptiste, the man who announces the arrival of Christ.And gets it.It will no longer stop dancing through art and literature, a figure of diabolical temptation in Saint Augustine and so many others, as well as a playmate of playful and cruel freedom."Everyone or everyone wanted a piece" of the body of Salomé, writes Patricia Farazzi, at the opening of this little book which brings together and puts in perspective texts and paintings as so many bursts of a myth of which he recalls the vertiginous fertility.Fl.Go

« Salomé(s) », de Laforgue,Flaubert, Huysmans, Moreau, Apollinaire, précédé d’« Anatomie comparée des Salomés », de Patricia Farazzi, L’Eclat, « Eclats », 160 p., 10 €, digital € 5.

Novel."Memories of my hotel life", by Jacques Fieschi

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