• 01/02/2023
  • By binternet

Caen.Will the toys arrive in time under the tree?<

Will the toy stores have full rays for Christmas?For several weeks, they have faced difficulties in transporting goods.Tens of thousands of containers are blocked all over the world.

Chez Joueclub in Mondeville, ""a large part of our goods comes from Asia.We have not yet received everything we have ordered because the transport is complicated and the containers are more expensive, ""explains Florian Levêque, store manager.With the health crisis, transport costs have soared.An observation which obliges the Pic Wic Toys toy store to adapt.""For plush to a wing meter, it's ten times more expensive, so we come to come less,"" says the brand.At the risk of not satisfying everyone on D -Day?""Our catalog started on October 6, but there are about 35 % of the products we will have in November or December.But we will have them! ""Ways to reassure Florian Levêque.

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— Pragati the N Power Wed Apr 03 08:23:51 +0000 2019

Anticipation as a golden rule

To deal with these possible stock problems and these delivery delays, stores have been delivered the goods earlier earlier.""Usually we order in May and we recommend in November to prevent breaks.There, we knew that there was going to have complications, so we got it in advance, in March.""In the famous Bonhomme de Bois boutique, located rue Demolombe, Pauline Carré also anticipated.""Usually, we start to store in early October.There, this is always the case, but the orders are larger, tells the one that enjoys a substantial reserve.We made sure to have the products in our catalog.""Result, the reserves overflow from board games, Lego and Barbie dolls.Pic Wic Toys does not hide it.""At the start of the year, we inflated our orders by 30 % to guarantee gifts under the tree.Stocks are full of cracking.""You still have to have the place necessary to keep the goods aside.The term ""shortage"" is strong, according to Anaïs Luet, one of the employees of the La tribe des Petits boutique in downtown Caen.Good news, ""we received all of our orders.All my suppliers can deliver me for the moment.""

Another problem: the shortage of raw materials (paper, plastic, cardboard).Fabrice Varin, at the Calvados general bookstore on rue Saint-Pierre, advances in the unknown. ""Pour l'instant, rien ne bloque, mais on craint, comme chaque année, des délais de livraison dans les quinze derniers jours avant Noël.We do not know if there are going to be ruptures linked to the price of raw materials.""Books could be impacted, but also wooden toys. ""On a déjà des soucis de rupture de stock sur certains articles comme des garages en bois, des porteurs… mais on s'arrange"", prévient Pauline Carré. ""Le 20 décembre, il n'y aura peut-être pas toutes les références. C'est difficile de prévoir"", poursuit la communication de Pic Wic Toys.You will understand, this year, it is better to go early for Christmas gifts.