• 11/01/2023
  • By binternet

Driving accompanied from 15 years old, how to be well insured<

La conduite accompagnée dès l’âge de 15 ans a été mise en place depuis quelques années. Cette mesure a été très efficace car elle a permis de réduire considérablement la fréquence des accidents chez les plus jeunes. Toutefois, il est important pour les familles intéressées par l’Apprentissage Anticipé de la Conduite (AAC) de souscrire une assurance automobile adaptée comme proposée par Groupama.Conduite accompagnée dès 15 ans, comment être bien assuré Conduite accompagnée dès 15 ans, comment être bien assuré

The legal conditions to be fulfilled to have the right to make accompanied driving.

In the case of an AAC, the teenager must be for at least 15 years when registering for the driving school.Learning from 15 years old is carried out in two stages.The young person must first receive theoretical and practical training in driving by a driving school approved by the State.Once the code is obtained, the student has a period of five years (against three previously) to obtain his license.For accompanied driving, a driver must be appointed.The latter must be at least 23 years old, having imperatively obtained his B license for five years or more and not having had a prohibition to drive in the previous 5 years.It is possible to choose several guides in the family circle but also outside.During the candidate's learning, the driving school will have to make educational follow-up in the form of a booklet to be completed.

To have the right to pass the driving test to try to win the permit, it is imperative to be at least 17 years old, but even in the event of success, it is compulsory to have the majority (or 18 years) forhave legal authorization to drive alone.It is essential to have the agreement of your car insurance for the vehicle (s) that will be used during early apprenticeship.For some contracts, an extension of the warranty can be requested.You also have the obligation to affix on the back left of your vehicle a self -adhesive or magnetized disc to indicate to the other drivers that you circulate in accompanied driving

A better license success rate thanks to driving accompanied from the age of 15

Driving accompanied from the age of 15 has proven its effectiveness, this is the reason why the French government has maintained this measure for young drivers.Indeed, the AAC makes it possible to considerably increase the success rate on the final driving examination.Thus, 70 % of the young people who followed the ACC sector won their permit while this percentage drops to 53 % for candidates who had chosen training only through a driving school.

Anticipated driving learning to reduce the frequency of loss

Conduite accompagnée dès 15 ans, comment être bien assuré

Not only does the driving accompanied from 15 years old offers better chances of success when examining the permit, but in addition the insurance companies observed a very clear decrease in accidents in young drivers who have benefited from learningdriving.Thus, material claims are reduced by 27% among motorists between 18 and 19 years old in the AAC sector compared to students in traditional training.

These good figures are easily explained.Indeed, to pass his driving license as part of an accompanied driving, the young driver must have at least traveled 3,000 km, so this experience allowed him to acquire a good control of the vehicle and to better understand the dangersof the road.Moreover, the probationary period as part of an accompanied driving is shorter of one year compared to the classic sector.

Responsibilities in the case of accompanied conduct

Unfortunately, an accident is still possible.On the observation, it is important to indicate the name of the driver at the time of the facts.As a rule, in the event of an accident, the adult accompanying person is considered to be the sole manager.Also, the bonus of its insurance premium risks being impacted except in the case of an accident caused by a third party.However, it is important to read an insurance contract well before signing it in order to know the penalties and the deductibles that you will have to pay in the event of an accident in the case of an AAC.

Choosing the right car insurance contract

Before embarking on accompanied driving, it is imperative to inform your insurance company.If this apprenticeship is not covered by your car insurance, an extension of the contract must be carried out with a possible increase in the premium.Some insurance companies like Groupama ensure young people in CAA without increase during the period of their apprenticeship.In all cases, an amendment to the contract will be made to indicate the name of the young driver.

Do not forget to give your insurer the certificate of the end of initial training which is issued by the driving school.The insurer's agreement must be obtained for each vehicle used by mentioning the guide (s).In the event of an accident, the franchise provided for in the contract will be borne by the insured.

Serious savings to the key

Opt for accompanied driving from 15 years old requires good availability of the accompanying person but this type of learning not only reduces the risk of accident but also it makes it possible to considerably reduce costs.First of all, driving lessons in driving schools are billed between 35 and 50 € depending on the regions.Thus on average, the AAC allows you to achieve € 500 in savings.In addition, the chances of success in the examination are considerably increased.

Another advantage: some insurance companies offer discounts of their car insurance premium to drivers who have just won their permit after learning to driving supported.These pricing advantages, in the form of a minoration or even total suppression of the surprise applied to young drivers, make it possible to considerably reduce the annual cost of auto insurance.

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