• 14/11/2022
  • By binternet

40 violent anecdotes on Al Capone, the most American gangsters<

Portrait de celui qui se vantait d’avoir « bâti son empire sur la peur»»…40 anecdotes violentes sur Al Capone, le plus américain des gangsters 40 anecdotes violentes sur Al Capone, le plus américain des gangsters

1.Alphonse Gabriel Capone was born on January 17, 1899 in Brooklyn, New York of parents of Italian origin but not Sicilian, which is why he was never a member of any mafia.

2.At 14 he was definitively excluded from school for hitting his teacher with a punch with a punch.

3.Working a few years later as a bouncer in a passing house, The Harvard Inn, one evening he came to his hands with the brother of a woman he had insulted.The latter then stamped her right cheek with three stab wounds.

4.Nicknamed later by the Scarface press ("The Balafré"), a nickname that he had, Capone did his best to hide this scar, whether it is to hide his poor profile on the photos or to brush off the bottomcomplexion at each outing.

Not particularly proud of this episode, he claimed to have been injured in war, he who had never served in the army.

5.Married at 19 with Mae Coghlin, an Irish Catholic, Al Capone, who was a minor at the time of facts, had to legally ask her parents permission before marrying in wedding.

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6.After having moved to Chicago at the end of the 1910s, he was spotted by Johnny Torrio one of the caciques of the Outfit (the main criminal organization of the city) who hired him as a bartender and bouncer in the'One of its establishments.

7.The year of his 20 years he contracted syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease that took good historical characters before him (Baudelaire, Maupassant, Van Gogh, Nietzsche ...).

Despite strong pain and frequent rashes, Capone has always refused to be treated.On the one hand because he dared not consult a doctor, and on the other because he feared the reaction of his wife who would have understood too well where and how he had fallen ill.

8.Although no formal evidence was never produced, Al Capone is very strongly suspected of having made the boss of the Outfit James 'Big Jim' Colosimo disappear in 1920 to allow his mentor Johnny Torrio to take hisplace, then to then fomented five years later an assassination attempt against Torrio in order to become a caliph in place of the caliph.

If the latter came out alive, he preferred to leave the country to go and pour a peaceful retirement in Italy rather than entering open conflict with his ambitious protégé.

9.From then on the king of prohibition in Chicago, Al Capone will generate estimated revenues today at half an annual dollars!

10.Extremely concerned about his appearance, he had his tailor-made costumes made directly in Italy.Cost of the operation: current $ 6,500 per part.

11.A great lover of the Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi, Capone regularly went to the opera to attend performances of his works ... not without reserving in the passage between 30 and 40 seats around him for his bodyguards.

12.On the occasion of one of his birthdays, his men kidnapped the Jazzman Fats Waller.Pistol under the nose, he was asked to perform on stage for three days.

Once his performance is completed, Waller was brought back to his house safe and sound, pockets filled with tickets.

40 anecdotes violentes sur Al Capone, le plus américain des gangsters

13.Never shy when it was a question of strutting in the media, June 30, 1931 Al Capone granted an interview to the magazine Variety entitled Capone Kids Gang Films in which he was asked to disentangle the true from the false in the gangster filmsof the time like Scarface by Howard Hawkes or Public Enemy.

14.Was Al Capone Cocaïnomaniac?Resumption in abundance in its portraits, information finds its source in the Capone: The Man and the Era biography of Laurence Bergreen published in 1994.However, it should be noted that before this book this addiction had never been mentioned and that the author brings as the only real proof the perforation of his nasal partition, a symptom that we find as long as in those who sniff it thatin people with syphilis.

15.Joys of fate, James Capone, one of his seven brothers worked in the police who were fighting against prohibition.To do this, however, he changed his name (Richard Hart) and moved to Nebraska.

16.On the other hand, his big brother and right arm Franck was a killer devoid of souls of souls.Renowned to settle his disputes by force, he liked to repeat that "corpses do not speak".

He died under the police balls in 1924 following an altercation that went wrong.

17.According to his various statements, Al Capone never considered himself a dirty guy, but as a businessman who responded to popular demand.

"When I sell alcohol we call it smuggling, but when my customers use my product they call it hospitality.»»

18.During the great depression of 1929, the largest economic crisis of the century, Al Capone opened the first popular soup of Chicago at its expense.3,000 meals a day were served.

19. Le 14 février 1929 Al Capone a commandité « le massacre de la Saint-Valentin»».

At the war open with George ‘bugs’ Moran and the Irish mafia for the control of the smuggling of alcohol, Capone had decided to hit a big blow.

Pretexting a delivery of whiskey, the men of Capone attracted seven of Moran's men to a warehouse before two police officers intervene and ask them to align themselves against the wall.These two police officers, who were in reality men of Capone disguised for the occasion, then coldly executed them by pulling 70 cartridges.

20.Bugs Moran, however, miraculously recupeated at the Valentine's Day massacre.On the one hand because the men of Capone confused him with one of his seven henchmen present on the scene, and on the other because Moran arrived late and in doing sosaw the real police car parked in front of the warehouse, which pushed him to turn back.

21.Al Capone, who a few days ago exiled to Florida so as not to arouse suspicion, has never been worried by near or far for the Valentine's Day massacre.

22.Other murders that made him famous: those of two of his associates with a baseball bat.

Suspected of betrayal, they were invited by Capone to share a sumptuous meal before being pulverized by his care for dessert - a more or less resumed anecdote in the film by Brian de Palma Les Incorruptibles.

23.It is estimated that in Total Al Capone would have ordered during his reign between 500 and 700 murders!

24.Following the Valentine's Day massacre, the newspapers decreased him with a new nickname: the number one public enemy.This press campaign will then push the authorities to put the double bites to make it fall.

25.Harvested by the Department of Justice, Capone spent several months behind bars for minor crimes. En mai 1929 il a été condamné à neuf mois de prison pour port d’arme illégal, avant d’en reprendre pour six mois en février 1931 pour outrage au tribunal après avoir deux ans plus tôt « oublié»» de répondre à une convocation du juge.

26.Frustrated with not finding any evidence for its blood crimes, the US government has looked into the origin of its income and charged it in 1931 for tax evasion.

Thus in May 1932, Al Capone, 33, was sentenced to 11 years in prison with a fine of $ 4 million, at the time the biggest penalty ever pronounced for tax fraud.

27.Returning into legend for having been the fall of Al Capone, Elliot Ness and his team are however absolutely not at the origin of this investigation.

28.Very ironically, one of the evidence that tipped the scales during the trial emanates from the very hand of the lawyer for Al Capone, Lawrence Mattingly.

In September 1930, Capone had indeed tried to negotiate a deal with the federal government by proposing to pay part of its taxes over the past six years.Mattingly had then written the offer by mail, which the court used as an admission of guilt.

29.Following this conviction, his brother Ralph also received three in prison for the same reason, he who regularly served as a nominee to camouflage the financial operations of the Outfit.

30.During the liquidation of his goods, the armored car he was specially manufactured was seized.The vehicle was then reused a few years later to ensure the trips of President Franklin D.Roosevelt.

31.During his first years behind bars, Al Capone received almost 2,000 letters every week.

32.Sent purge his sentence in an Atlanta penitentiary, he was then transferred in August 1934 to the all new high security prison in Alcatraz on the grounds that he was constantly trying to corrupt the staff and his fellow prisoners to improve his conditions of detention(radio in its cell, furniture, carpet, etc.).

It is nevertheless admitted that the administration has greatly exaggerated these accusations in order to use Capone to promote its brand new establishment open a month earlier.

33.A week after arriving in Alcatraz, he got stabbed for a haircut.

The story wants to wait for his turn to the hairdresser, he has grown politeness to his fellows.One of them, a certain James Lucas condemned for robbery, rather took the thing badly, and injured Capone in the face, then on the back with a pair of scissors.

34.Behind bars, his state of physical and mental health quickly deteriorated because of his syphilis.Worried by his behavior increasingly questionable (he dressed in summer with his winter clothes, played with his excrement ...), the administration made him spend his last years at the prison hospital.

35. Libéré le 16 novembre 1939 pour bonne conduite, ses facultés mentales étaient dixit les rapports médicaux celles d’un « enfant de 12 ans»».

36.Al Capone left the hospital the following year to settle in his home in Palm Beach in Florida.He lived there alongside his wife and grandchildren until his death on January 25, 1947 at 48 years old.

37.When he was released from prison, a decision was taken by the Outfit to donate him a weekly pension of $ 600.A sum certainly comfortable, but ridiculously low compared to its past emoluments.

38.His wife Mae most likely saved his life by holding him isolated from the rest of the world.This is the opinion of Deirdre Bair, author of the book Al Capone: His Life, Legacy, and Legend.

"She knew how dangerous he was to be seen in public.She protected him fiercely.Knowing that he was cloistered, the outfit said to himself that he was not a problem for them.»»

39.Died in 1986 at the age of 89, Mae Capone took care before to burn her diary and all the correspondence exchanged with her husband.

40. Parmi les bons mots les plus célèbres d’Al Capone, on peut notamment se souvenir de « On peut obtenir beaucoup plus avec un mot gentil et un revolver, qu’avec un mot gentil tout seul»» ou encore de « Ne prenez pas ma gentillesse pour une faiblesse, je suis aimable avec tout le monde, mais lorsque quelqu’un ne l’est pas avec moi, ‘faible’ n’est pas le mot dont vous vous souviendrez à propos de moi»».

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